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Internal Funding Opportunities
Below is a list of internal grants available through California State University System, CSUS campus, and the NSM College. Click on the grants below to read descriptions regarding to the purpose and requirements of each grant. Please refer to the website of each grant for application deadlines.
The list of internal grants will be updated periodically so please check back frequently for updates on new available grants, submission process, and the appropriate guidelines.
Internal Funding Opportunities From Your Individual Department:
Please check with your department chair. Each department may have its own internal funding opportunity for faculty, especially for junior faculty.
Internal Funding Opportunities from the College of NSM
Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) Awards.
This is a summer research opportunity for undergraduate students. However, a faculty mentor needs to be involved in the application (a separate file is attached). Project Grants will be available for up to $500 for supplies, equipment, services and travel directly related to activities for approved research projects. Stipends of up to $5000 will be available for undergraduate students working on approved research projects during the summer.
Deadline: For Summer 2025, the application deadline is April 7th, 2025 by 5:00pm.
SURE Application Project Proposal Template
Internal Funding Opportunities From CSU System:
CSU Biotechnology (formerly CSUPERB):
CSU Biotech provides a variety of funding to develop a diverse and professional biotechnology workforce for California and the global economy by mobilizing and supporting collaborative CSU student and faculty research, thus innovating educational practices by partnering with the life science industry. Please visit the CSU Biotech website for requests for proposals (RFPs), deadlines, and others.
CSU Council on Ocean Affairs, Science & Technology (COAST):
COAST provides support to faculty members with the goal of facilitating and promoting cutting-edge research and professional development to advance our knowledge of marine, estuarine, coastal and coastal watershed resources and the processes that affect them. Funds are intended to support activities deemed necessary to maximize subsequent success in obtaining external funding in support of scholarly work. Visit COAST website for funding opportunities.
CSU-WATER (Water Advocacy Towards Education and Research) (Formerly Water Resources and Policy Initiatives (WRPI))
If you are conducting Water related research and training, you may consider applying. CSU-WATER, Water Advocacy Towards Education and Research (WATER) is developing water management solutions through research, partnerships, education and training that provides students with hands-on learning. For details on CSU-WATER funding opportunities and deadlines, please visit CSU-WATER website. Contact the CSU-WATER's Leadership Team if you have further questions.
Internal funding opportunities from Sacramento State campus:
Incentive for Developing External Awards (IDEA) Program
The purpose of The IDEA Program is to provide an incentive to individual faculty members to write a competitive grant proposal for external funding to further their research,
scholarly and/or creative activity at Sacramento State. For more details, please check on the ORIED website
Research and Creative Activity (RCA) Faculty Awards Program
The purpose of the RCA Awards Program is to support faculty research, scholarly, and creative activity, and to encourage faculty contributions to their disciplines. This program is funded in part through the CSU Chancellor's Office and Academic Affairs. It is administered by the RCA Subcommittee with support from the Office of Research, Innovation, and Economic Development. The details, such as eligibility, funding limit, deadlines, etc. can be found on the RCA website.
Research and Creative Activity (RCA) Faculty Awards Program
The main RCA award program. All Unit 3 faculty are eligible and encourage to apply, including full-time faculty, part-time faculty, temporary faculty, probationary and tenured faculty, lecturers, coaches, librarians, and counselors, as outlined in the Unit 3 Bargaining Agreement. The main RCA award program
- University Award for Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity for Senior Faculty:
This award was established in 1961 and is given annually to a Sacramento State faculty member who, over many years has made significant contributions to their discipline through scholarly activity, research and publication, or creative and artistic endeavors. The award includes a professional development grant of $2,500 and three units of release time from the Office of Research, Innovation, and Economic Development. University Award for Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity for Senior Faculty
- University Award for Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity for Early-Career Faculty:
This award was established in 1989 and is given each year to recognize a colleague who has made significant contributions to their discipline through scholarly activity, research and publication, or creative and artistic endeavors. The award includes a professional development grant of $2,500 and three units of release time from the Office of Research, Innovation, and Economic Development. Faculty who are eligible for the award must be tenured or tenure-track faculty within the first ten years of their appointment and three of the past five years must have been spent at Sacramento State. University Award for Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity for Early-Career Faculty
ASI External Grants
Associated Students, Incorporated, (ASI) is providing the funds. The goal is to provide funding to foster campus life through the combined efforts of various programs and organizations throughout campus. Each fiscal year ASI allocates funds, which are to be disbursed to those on-campus programs that are dedicated to our common goal of serving the students. Please see the funded programs on the website.
ASI/IRA award
This is the ASI managed Instructionally Related Activity (IRA) fund. Instructionally Related Activities (IRA) funds provide support for essential educational experiences and activities that aid and supplement the fundamental mission of the University. Please read details on the IRA website.
Faculty Research Fellows Program
The Faculty Research Fellows Program (FRFP) links the policy research resources of the California State University with the policy research needs of the legislative and executive branches of state government, as the program fund is provided annually. Please check the website for RFPs and due dates or contact Leonor Ehling (, Executive Director, Center for California Studies.
Pedagogy Enhancement Awards
Provide funds through the Center for Teaching and Learning to support faculty to improve the quality of teaching and learning at Sacramento State. Please see the link for more information.
Probationary Faculty Development Grant:
All probationary faculty members are invited to apply for the Probationary Faculty Development Grant PFDG). The selected faculty will receive $500 in professional development funds and 3 units of release time to implement a project that is research related, a creative activity, or some type of pedagogical enhancement. Please read the online guidelines for more details. For deadlines, please contact Graduate Diversity Programs via email at, the Program Coordinator. Phone: (916) 278-3834. The submission deadline is due in early October each year, but may vary year by year.
UEI Campus Grant Program
The program funds projects that are innovative, have a demonstrable need and clearly benefit Sacramento State students, faculty and/or staff. The deadline for the proposal has not been posted yet. Please contact Michael Calvillo at UEI. Phone: (916) 278-4589.
Faculty Development Grants from Sacramento State Retirees Association
In 2013 the Retirees Association Board established a Faculty Development Grant award program to recognize the research and scholarly activity of probationary faculty. Only non-tenured assistant professors are eligible for consideration to receive this award. Two awards of $500, are given each spring semester to assist recipients in continuing their research. Please read online for details on the nomination and selection process.
Faculty Development Grants from Sacramento State Retirees Association
Academically Related Activities (ARA) and Student Academic Development (SAD) Grants
These are funds to support students to present at professional conferences. Please encourage your students to apply. Please read details for the eligibility of students, application deadline, etc. Please advise your students to apply as soon as they know they will be attending the conference since the funds will be distributed as “ first come, first serve” basis. Please also note that the funds cannot be used for traveling to the sates listed on the CA state travel ban list. (The complete list of affected states is maintained on the California State Attorney General’s website).
Academically Related Activities (ARA) and Student Academic Development (SAD) Grants