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Faculty & Student Research College of Natural Sciences & Mathematics

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Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) Awards

This is a summer research opportunity for undergraduate students. However, a faculty mentor needs to be involved in the application (a separate file is attached). Project Grants will be available for up to $500 for supplies, equipment, services and travel directly related to activities for approved research projects. Stipends of up to $5000 will be available for undergraduate students working on approved research projects during the summer.

Deadline: For Summer 2025, the application deadline is April 7th, 2025 by 5:00pm.

Submit 2025 SURE Application

SURE Application Information

SURE Application Project Proposal Template

SURE Application Signatures Template

2024 SURE Awardee Reflections

2024 SURE Awardees group photo

Summer 2024 SURE Awardees

Portrait of Avery Lambert

Avery Lambert

Faculty Name: Jonathan Gilkerson
Department: Biological Sciences
Project Title: Generation and Characterization of PpRALF Mutants in a Model Moss

Portrait of Belle Glaesman

Belle Glaesman

Faculty Name: Kim Mulligan
Department: Biological Sciences
Project Title: Examining the molecular mechanisms of the gut-brain axis in Drosophila—determining the influence of short chain fatty acids and oxidative stress

Portrait of Citlalli Garcia

Citlalli Garcia

Faculty Name: Chris Lopez
Department: Biological Sciences
Project Title: Evaluation of cell elongation due to environmental stress in Paraclostridium bifermentans

Portrait of Emma Lopez

Emma Lopez

Faculty Name: Clint Collins
Department: Biological Sciences
Project Title: How does bipedal hopping attenuate risk in experimentally manipulated light conditions in the field? A test with kangaroor rats.

Portrait of Lexie Cepeda

Lexie Cepeda

Faculty Name: Tim Davidson
Department: Biological Sciences
Project Title: How Burrows of a Crustacean Ecosystem Engineer Affect Survivorship of Intertidal Species

Portrait of Emily Lam

Emily Lam

Faculty Name: Jackie Houston
Department: Chemistry
Project Title: Epoxidation Reactions Using an Iron Catalyst

Portrait of Maarten Rios

Maarten Rios

Faculty Name: Claudia Lucero
Department: Chemistry
Project Title: Investigations Into the First Total Synthesis of Lorneic Acid F

Portrait of Sophia Schultz

Sophia Schultz

Faculty Name: Kathie McReynolds
Department: Chemistry
Project Title: Solid Phase Synthesis of Oligosaccharides Possessing Anti-Viral Potential

Portrait of Thu Nguyen

Thu Nguyen

Faculty Name: Linda Roberts
Department: Chemistry
Project Title: Amyloid formation in human and canine Apolipoprotein A-I

Portrait of Austin Flood

Austin Flood

Faculty Name: Jennifer Kusler
Department: Geography
Project Title: Tracing Microplastic Contamination: Analyzing the Relationship between Land Use and Microplastic Concentrations in Alpine Lakes of the Trinity Alps

Portrait of Gabriela Cuellar

Gabriela Cuellar

Faculty Name: James Wanket
Department: Geography
Project Title: Reconstructing Forest Dynamics and Wildfire Significance on Serpentine Soil in the Klamath Mountains from 1000 AD to Present

Portrait of Rohit Joshi

Rohit Joshi

Faculty Name: Anna Patterson
Department: Geography
Project Title: Using sediment pH to Identify human-set paleofires

Portrait of Kristen Kettenhofen

Kristen Kettenhofen

Faculty Name: Julie Griffin
Department: Geology
Project Title: Bioapatite Thermometer in the Modern World

Portrait of Sheng-Chang Chen

Sheng-Chang Chen

Faculty Name: Santosh Kandel
Department: Mathematics & Statistics
Project Title: A Cut and Paste Approach to Eigenvalues of Graph Laplacian

Portrait of Sean Currier

Sean Currier

Faculty Name: Mikkel Herholdt Jensen
Department: Physics & Astronomy
Project Title: Mechanical testing of plastics degradation under UV exposure