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Hospitality & Tourism Management
Bachelor of Science
Hospitality and tourism are two of California’s fastest growing and most important industries.
The BS in Hospitality and Tourism Management (HTM) allows students flexibility in the selection of courses related to hospitality and tourism management, commercial recreation, and event planning.
Curriculum focuses on lodging management, tourism planning and marketing, and conference and meeting planning, as well as the basics of entrepreneurial businesses, and the skills needed for working with for-profit and experience industry agencies (e.g., resorts, ski lodges, conference and meeting venues, cruise lines, theme parks, restaurants and clubs, destination marketing agencies, spas, clubs, entertainment and sports facilities, and travel companies).
In addition to the theoretical components of these industries and activities, faculty work closely with local industry professionals to teach students practical skills associated with internships and jobs in the industry.

Additional HTM Resources
Professional organizations in HTM are:
- CHRIE - Council On Hotel, Restaurant, & Institutional Education
- NRA – National Restaurant Association
- AH&LA – American Hotel & Lodging Association
- CH&LA – California Hotel & Lodging Association
- CTA – California Travel Association
- ISES – International Special Events Society
- PCMA – Professional Convention Management Association
- MPI – Meeting Professionals International
- RCRA - Resort and Commercial Recreation Association
- NSMH – National Society of Minorities in Hospitality
- TTRA – Travel and Tourism Research Association
- SKAL International
- UNWTO – United Nation World Tourism Organization