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Department of Recreation, Parks & Tourism Administration (RPTA) College of Health & Human Services

Support Page Content


How do I declare or change my major to RPTA?

Email the RPTA dept. @ to receive further instructions.

How do I get an academic advisor?

An academic advisor will be assigned to each student once they have declared a major in Recreation Parks and Tourism Administration (RPTA), Recreation Therapy (RT) or Hospitality and Tourism Management (HTM).

How do I drop or add a class the first two weeks of the semester?

You can drop a class, on your own, through your student center within the first two weeks of the semester.

Open classes with available seats can be added, on your own, through your student center within the first two weeks of the semester.

However, if you are wanting to add a course that is closed or requires Instructor permission, you must fill out an add petition via OnBase to get Instructor approval.

How do I access add or drop OnBase forms?

Log into “mysacstate” click on “OnBase Forms” and select "add and drop petition".

How do I add or drop a course after the first two weeks of class? 

An "add and drop petition" must be filled out via OnBase through "mysacstate". This form will require approval from the Instructor and the Department Chair.

Where do I find internship forms?

Required intnership documents can be found on our internship page.

I have questions about advising where do I go? 

General education requirement questions can be addressed by the student success center.

For any adivsing related to major requirements, course substitutions, or graduation petitions, you must contact your major advisor to set up a consultation.