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College of Engineering & Computer Science California State University, Sacramento

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ECS Student Clubs & Organizations

Engineering & Computer Science clubs that are officially registered with Sac State's Student Organization & Leadership program and are members of the ECS Joint Council are listed here.

This list represents clubs active in the Spring 2025 semester. For updates/changes, please contact

Official SOAL club membership is updated after SOAL deadlines.

Fall Semester SOAL registration deadline: September 30th.

Spring Semester SOAL registration deadline: March 1st.

Engineering & Computer Science Joint Council

Engineering & Computer Science Joint Council

ECSJC is a campus recognized organization, sponsored by ASI, which provides a forum for networking and collaboration among student leaders in the College of Engineering and Computer Science as well as providing an avenue for the student voice.

What is the purpose of ECSJC?

ECSJC gives student leaders within the College of Engineering and Computer Science the opportunity to share ideas, plan joint events (e.g. ECS Expo), and discuss student issues.

Who can join ECSJC?

ECSJC members are selected officers from clubs recognized by the College of Engineering and Computer Science and SO&L.

Advisor: Behnam Arad

President: Willie Bremer

Club Email:

Order Of The Engineer

The Order of the Engineer is an association for graduate and professional engineers in the United States that emphasizes pride and responsibility in the engineering profession.

The Order is not a membership organization; there are never any meetings to attend or dues to pay. Instead, the Order fosters a unity of purpose and the honoring of one’s lifelong pledge.

Civil Engineering

American Concrete Institute

Advisor: Jose Garcia

President: Muna Mandoob

Club Email:

American Society of Civil Engineers

Advisor: Maria Echeverria Landeta

President: Rodaina Abdelhafiz

Club Email:

Concrete Canoe Club

Advisor: Jose Garcia

President: Ryan Tan

Club Email:

California Geotechnical Engineering Association

The purpose of this organization is to serve as the Sac State student chapter of the professional organization, California Geotechnical Engineering Association. The organization will participate in activities and host events that are reflective of the mission of CalGeo and educate Sac State students on the field of geotechnical engineering.

Advisor: Cyrus Aryani

President: Faith Tafoya

Club Email:

California Water Environment Association / American Water Works Association

Advisor: Amir Motlagh

President: Kenneth Duenas

Club Email:


The Geo-Challenge competition club provides students an opportunity to gain experience and develop skills related to geotechnical engineering. Every year students participating in the club design and build an MSE retaining wall. Members of the club also compete with their model at a regional competition called MidPac.

Advisor: Cyrus Aryani

President: Yuejiang Qu

Club Email:

Institute of Transportation Engineers

Advisor: Masoud Abadi

President: Geoffrey Tolentino

Club Email:

Pre-cast Pre-Stressed Concrete Institute

The CSUS Student chapter for Pre-cast Pre-Stressed Concrete Institute (PCI) was created with the intent of exploring the possibilities of reinforced concrete structures, and to provide students with the opportunity to apply their in-class knowledge directly with industry through the design, fabrication and construction of a pre-cast pre-stressed concrete beam. This “Big Beam” competition is hosted on a national level and allows students an amazing opportunity to showcase their knowledge, teamwork skills, and structural engineering talents.

Advisor: Eric Matsumoto

President: Crystal Mae Barlaan

Club Email:

Structural Engineering Association of Central California

Advisor: Kimberly Scott-Hallet

President: Yuliy Ludov

Club Email:

Transportation Challenge

Advisor: Ghazan Khan

President: Helal Murad

Club Email:

Water Treatment Club

Advisor: Amir Motlagh

President: Kenneth Duenas

Club Email:

Construction Management

Associated General Contractors

Advisor: Atefeh Mohammadpour

President: Liz Rodriguez Topete

Construction Management Association of America Student Chapter

Advisor: Tarek Salama

President: Jakob Miller

Construction Management Student Association

Advisor: Atefeh Mohammadpour

President: Fernando Gonzalez

Club Email:

Mechanical Contractors Association of America

Advisor: Mikael Anderson

President: Tyler Jin

The Beavers

Advisor: Mikael Anderson

President: Dustin Garcia

Women In Construction

Advisor: Atefeh Mohammadpour

President: Elizabeth Tapia

Club Email:

Computer Science

Association for Computing Machinery

Advisor: Anna Baynes

President: Ajaydeep Singh

Club Email:

Cyber Security Club

Advisor: Daniel Hammon

President:Philip Colton

Data Structures and Algorithms

Advisor: Bonaventure Molokwu

President:Brayan Mejia Nunez


Girls Who Code

Advisor: Holly Tajlil

President: Zaynab Ahmadi

Video Game Design Club

Advisor: Matthew Phillips

President: Dylan Wright

Club Email:

Electrical & Electronic Engineering

Power and Energy Society

Advisor: Mahyar Zarghami

President: Armaan Randhawa

Club Email:

Mechanical Engineering

American Society of Mechanical Engineers

Advisor: Sarvenaz Sobhan

President: Stephanie Summers

Club Email:

Forensic Engineering Club

Advisor: Toby Gloekler

President: Carissa Palasigue

Club Email:

Hornet Aerospace and Propulsion

Advisor: Ray Tang

President: Devon Nelson

Club Email:

Hornet Racing - Formula SAE

Formula SAE is perhaps the highest profile, most intense student Mechanical Engineering design competition in the world. To compete in Formula SAE, students must conceive, design, and manufacture an open-wheeled, formula-style racecar. Restrictions are put on the design of the engine and frame in order to challenge the students knowledge, creativity, and imagination. The cars are built by teams of students over a period of about one year, and are taken to Pontiac, Michigan to compete with 140 other Universities from across the world. The end result is a great experience for young engineers to take part in a meaningful design project, as well as to learn to work as a team.

Advisor: Christopher Savarino

President: Nicolas Pfeifer

Club Email:

Material Advantage Club

This club is perfect for civil and mechanical engineering students who are seeking a more hands-on experience in material science. The Material Advantage Club does this in the form of guest speakers, blacksmithing, material testing, and collaboration of other ECS Clubs. On top of gaining access to the forge, being a member of this club will provide access to four prominent material science societies, Opening up opportunities to such as scholarships, internships, and more.

Advisor: Troy Topping

President: Marius Santos

Club Email:

Club Website:

Club Discord:

Society of Manufacturing Engineers

Advisor: Akihiko Kumagai

President: Aidan Coyle

Vertical Flight Society

Advisor: Gianmarco Sahragard-Monfared

President: Ryan Younger

Club Email:

Cross-Discipline Clubs & Orgs

Competitive Robotics

The Competitive Robotics Club is focused on designing, building, and programming robots for various competitions. The projects that our club works on include, but are not limited to: drones, battle bots, problem-solving robots, and mechanical arms. Working on these projects will gives students the opportunity to learn and develop a variety of technical and non-technical skills.

Some of the technical skills that students will gain include programming, circuit design, mechanical engineering, and control systems. They also have the opportunity to work on non-technical skills such as teamwork, leadership, communication, and project management.

By participating in the club's activities and projects, students gain hands-on experience in the field of robotics and engineering, preparing them for future academic and professional endeavors.

Advisor: Rohollah Moghadam

President: Kendra Mohle

Club Email:

Club Website: Competitive Robotics Club

Data Science

The Data Science Club explores the field of data science, which uses math, statistics, and computer science to extract useful knowledge from our society's increasing collection of data in order to advance scholarship and gain insights into every kind of subject matter, from art to zoology.

Advisor: Clark Fitzgerald

President: Umang Vadhar

Club Email:

Engineers Without Borders

Advisor: Zoi Dokou

President: Corey Theiss

National Society of Black Engineers

The mission of the National Society of Black Engineers is to increase the number of culturally responsible black engineers who succeed professionally and positively impact the community.

Advisor: Felicia Johnson

President: Aminata Fall

Club Email:

Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers

Advisor: Voun Sa

President: Ralion Luperte

Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers

The Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers was founded in Los Angeles, California, in 1974 by a group of engineers employed by the city of Los Angeles. Their objective was to form a national organization of professional engineers to serve as role models in the Hispanic community.

Advisor: Jose Garcia

President: Josue S. Garcia

Club Email:

Society of Women Engineers

The Society of Women Engineers was founded in 1950 and is a non-profit educational organization for professional engineers and engineering students. Professional and student chapters are found world-wide, and membership is open to both men and women. SWE's mission is to encourage men and women to achieve his or her full potential in careers as engineers and leaders, to expand the image of the engineering profession as a positive force in improving the quality of life, and to demonstrate the value of diversity.

Advisor: Holly Tajlil

President: Keerat Khandpur

Club Email:

Tau Beta Pi

Advisor: Toby Gloekler

President: Alex Lindstrom

Club Email: