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Department of Civil Engineering College of Engineering & Computer Science

Support Page Content

Supporting the Department of Civil Engineering

Donations and Gifts

The Department has established the following funds to build a foundation for the education of future civil engineers.

To give a gift to the any of the funds shown, please use the links to the individual secure online forms below. You can also mail a check, specifying the fund you wish to contribute to.

Make checks payable to the “Department of Civil Engineering

Mailing Address:

Department of Civil Engineering

Attention: Ashley Mihok

California State University, Sacramento

6000 J Street, Sacramento, CA 95819-6029.

The Ken Kerri Endowment Fund

In 2009, the Department of Civil Engineering established an endowment fund in honor of Professor Emeritus Ken Kerri to recognize his contributions to the profession, the Department, and the University. This fund supports start-up funds for new faculty and grants for current faculty to support their research activities, especially those activities involving students. This helps attract the top faculty in the country to Sacramento State.

Ken Kerri Endowment Fund Secure Online Form

The Department Trust Fund

The trust fund is designed to support the department, and its students, by providing funding to senior project teams by subsidizing printing costs and replacing essential equipment or supplies for labs.

The Department Trust Fund Secure Online Form

The CE Freshman Scholarship Fund 

This scholarship fund was established to support motivated freshman in Civil Engineering. Students with fewer than 60 completed units with a minimum 2.8 grade point average are eligible once they have completed Math 30 (Calculus I) or passed the AP Calculus Exam with score of 4 or higher, Chemistry 1E (General Chemistry for Engineers), and Civil Engineering 4 (Engineering Graphics).

CE Freshman Scholarship Fund Secure Online Form

The Graduate Environmental/ Water Resources Scholarship Fund

This scholarship fund was established to provide financial support to well-deserving graduate students in environmental or water resources engineering disciplines.

The GEWR Scholarship Secure Online Form

Industry Advisory Committees

If you would like to serve on one of the industry advisory committees below, please contact the Civil Engineering department chair.