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ASL/English Interpreting and Captioning Requests

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Did you include accommodation request language in your advertisement? This is the protocol for campus events and allows us to only book services when there is a true need/request.

Edit and add the following language to emails/posters for the attendees:

To request ASL/English Interpreters or Closed Captions to at this event, please email <email address for hosts/event planner> by <date 7-10 days ahead of event>.

If/when you have received a request for ASL/English Interpreters and/or Captioning, please email with the complete information listed below.

**Due to the number of requests, and the small number of staff allocated to these tasks, requests can only proceed with the complete information listed below. **

Interpreting Request Information

It is the responsibility of the Event/Meeting planners/hosts/sponsors to ensure accessibility by submitting the complete information listed above.

  1. Date(s), start/end time of the event
  2. Name, title, Dept/Unit and the contact information of the Event sponsor or host.
  3. Physical Location or Virtual Link for the event
  4. Agenda and material for the event; these can include event planners' “Run of Show” internal documents, attendee handouts, Canvas sites, PowerPoints, etc., Draft materials are fine and at minimum, summarize the content and context of the event.
  5. Names/Titles of the speakers/presenters
  6. Full Names of the participants requesting accommodations, along with their contact info, and how they are affiliated with the University.

Once the information listed is received, the ASL/English Interpreting Office staff from the College of Education will reply to the Event Sponsor/Host listed in #2.

There may be additional questions and information shared which will make the event and/or meetings more inclusive. It is important to plan and be ready to be flexible to ensure accessibility can happen.

Services will be confirmed, and the names of the ASL/English Interpreting team will be communicated to the Event Sponsor/Host listed in #2.

If you have all the interpreting request information listed above, list it in an email to Michele Vincent, Staff ASL/English Interpreter, at If you want to book time to ask questions or discuss your request more, click the 'ASL/English Interpreting Consultation' button to complete the contact form and schedule a brief call

ASL/English Interpreting Consulation

Template Resources

Template for List of Terms- Standard Print

Template for Webinar

Accommodation Responsibilities Matrix

Inclusive Meeting Practices Slide

Articles and Best Practice Papers

National Deaf Center

(more coming soon)


Michele Vincent Michele Vincent Photo
Lead Staff American Sign/English Interpreter
Location: Eureka Hall 401

Lorie Sims Lorie Sims Photo
Staff ASL/English Interpreter
Location: Eureka Hall 201