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Community Info
The School of Music is housed inside Capistrano Hall, right next to the six-story Parking Structure 1. For general information on the School of Music, you can call our main line at (916) 278-5155.
At the School of Music, we offer a variety of community programs and workshops, and we co-sponsor programs run by area non-profit organizations. Some of these programs can be viewed below.
Volunteer Info
Many of our ensembles bring in cummunity players to help fill out sections, which would not otherwise be filled by Sac State students.
All ensemble participants who are NOT Sac State faculty, staff, or students, must be approved as Volunteers before participating. The process is done online through Acrobat Sign; to begin this process, simply email us at the link below and let us know which ensemble(s) you will be participating in.
Once your ensemble director (supervisor) has completed their portion of the AdobeSign document, it will come to your email for you to complete and sign. After HR has prcoessed your submission, You will receive confirmation and you may also then request a courtesy semester parking permit using the link below.
Read more about the University Volunteer process here
Community Programs
- Summer Conducting - the NorCal Summer Conducting Symposium runs in June each year, offering the opportunity for 20 band directors to hone their craft in front of a live demonstration band, with guest clinicians
- CalCap Chamber Music Workshop - for musicians of all ages, presented each summer in two, week-long sessions
- Golden Empire Festivals - Each spring, the Capitol Section of the California Music Educators' Association runs a series of band, orchestra, and choir festivals, as well as the solo and ensemble festival, at Sac State on select Saturdays
- String Project - providing structured group lessons in violin and cello for children in the fourth grade and up. The lessons are taught by School of Music undergraduate and graduate teachers and supervised by Sac State faculty. Rehearsals run on Monday and Wednesday afternoons during the regular school year
- SYS Chamber Music Workshop - a chamber music workshop for youth ages 11-19 with at least two years of experience on their primary musical instrument
- Teagarden Jazz Festival - a day-long festival held on a Saturday in early February, dedicated to the performance and teaching of traditional jazz
- Winter Jazz Festival - our own non-competitive jazz festival, open to elementary through collegiate level jazz ensembles, combos, and vocal jazz ensembles. Held on the first Saturday in December
Facilities Rental
Facilities in Capistrano Hall are sometimes made available for rental to outside organizations on weekends during the school year (February-May and September-December). Note that our facilities are unavailable during Thanksgiving weekend (Thursday-Sunday of that week) or during Christmas break (December 24-31).
Reservations will be accepted according to the following schedule:
- For Spring Events (held February-May): requests are only accepted from November 1-January 31.
- For Fall Events (September-December), requests are only accepted from May 1-August 31.
The University requires a minimum of 60-days notice to process requests, so requests from outside groups must be sent to us at least 75 days prior to the event. Due to the busy nature of our program, space availability is limited, and School of Music events will always have priority in scheduling over community events.
NOTE: Organizations using this form must be educational organizations that are non-for-profit and whose primary activities fall in the field of music. All other persons/groups should inquire about facilities through Space Management directly.
Organizations must also carry their own liability insurance in order to hold events on campus. If your event participants are minors, please view the Third Party Youth requirements. If participants are not minors, review the Short Term Lease requirements.
If you wish to inquire in advance whether space is available for a specific date (before filling out the Space Request Form), please email us.
If your event will involve participants who are minors, please fill out the Minors on Campus Program Registration Form:
Minors on Campus Registration Form

Donate Now!
Help support the School of Music's programs and students. Consider making a tax-deductible donation today! Funds can be designated to various specific areas and prorgrams within the School of Music.