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Center on Race, Immigration & Social Justice California State University, Sacramento

Support Page Content

CRISJ Programming

Community Engagement

The Community Engagement Project (CEP) promotes collaborative relations and skill-sharing between the campus and community organizations that are aligned with CRISJ’s mission. CEP assists community improvement efforts by providing academic resources and helping to arrange use of campus facilities. CEP collaborates with the University’s Community Engagement Center (CEC), and shares with it CRISJ’s community partnerships and also receive guidance/ resources that can be shared with the community. CEP also facilitates meetings, organizational plans, and correspondence with the Community Advisory Board, community liaison, community representatives, and student interns and mentees.


Academic Programming and Activities (APA) assists faculty with curriculum development and pedagogy on issues of race and immigration, and sponsors relevant campus speakers, conferences, and other academic events. APA ensures that all of its academic programs are accessible to diverse students, faculty, and administrators across campus, as well as to off-campus communities, especially members of disadvantaged groups.

APA partners with Center for Teaching and Learning and other relevant organizations to offer faculty workshops on pedagogical strategies for more effectively addressing issues of race, gender, ethnicity, immigration, and social and environmental justice in inter-disciplinary and trans-disciplinary courses. Also, APA assists faculty revise or redesign courses on race, ethnicity, immigration, and social justice. APA collaborates with other CRISJ projects in planning and organizing academic/ community engagement programming for students/community.

On-going Programming

  • Book Drive
  • Forums
  • Curriculum (Syllabi & Courses)
  • Book Recommendations
  • Art from CRISJ partners


The research mentorship program provides students an opportunity to participate in collaborative research and creative activity. The mentoring program facilitates both student-faculty research and student peer-to-peer support and collaboration. Under the guidance of faculty mentors, students gain critical skills for both non-academic and academic careers, including graduate education programs.

CRISJ Mentoring Program Website


The Critical Research Project (CRP) promotes critical scholarship by Sacramento State faculty and students on race, ethnicity, immigration, and related issues. This critical research is explicitly interdisciplinary, intersectional, and politically relevant. CRP seeks research collaborative opportunities with university entities (e.g., ISR, Public Health Survey, Public Affairs, etc.) and community partners, and works closely with ORIED to develop grants aligned with CRISJ’s critical research goals.

CRP creates research opportunities for faculty and students. CRP organizes campus events that create opportunities for cross-fertilization and mutual learning, and academic forums that bring together scholars, community advocates/leaders, and students. CRP manages the CRISJ website that serves as a repository of critical knowledge and resources aligned with CRISJ mission. In addition, CRP supports faculty with revising, re-designing, and/or archiving new courses on race, immigration, and intersectional social justice.

Current On-going Projects

  • Collaboration with UC PromISE project collected data across various UC and CSU campuses in order to assess the institutional context for undocumented Latina/o/x college students’ Academic success and well-being. For more information visit:
  • CRISJ associates research on equity and inclusion of historically underrepresented faculty at an HSI campus.