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Center on Race, Immigration & Social Justice California State University, Sacramento

Support Page Content

Academic Year Programming

Please find below a list of current or upcoming CRISJ-related or -sponsored events on or for the Sacramento State community.

Interested in a previous event? Please see our comprehensive Past Events Archive.

Call for ARTIST - Building Bridges for Social Justice & Global Peace

from various artistic expressions to envision the empowerment of marginalized communties and healthier future for all.


• Unequal Freedom • Freedom of Movement, Expression, Culture…• Social and En vironmental Justice • Dignity And Equity To The Hands That Feed Us • Themes Aligned With Building Bridges For Social Justice • A World without Wars/Empires/Colonialisms • Indigenous Human Rights • A World Without Oppressive Borders • Social and Environmental Justice • Sustainable Living

Looking for art visual, poetry, songs, etc. (2-3 minutes). Selected art will be exhibited at the CRISJ Building Bridges for Social Justice and Global Peace on Thursday,October 10, 2024.
Awards ranging from $100 to $300. Deadline for submissions is July 31, 2024. For more information please contact or Notification of selection to artists by August 22.

*Note: Awards are tax reportable.


Building Bridges for Social Justice & Global Peace

Join the celebration of champions for social justice and global peace organized by CRISJ for students & community empowerment through research, mentorship, and civic engagement.

Music | Food | Art & More - Thrusday, October 10, 2024

5:30 - 8:00pm | Sacramento State

Voices for hope and for healthier communities.


  • Katie Valenzuela, City Council Member
  • Ruth Ibarra, NorCal Resist
  • Youth Panel, Sacramento State

PRE-REGISTER! Coming Soon!

Please consider making a donation to support the "Student Empowerment Scholarship"



For accomodations, contact us two weeks from the event.

Literacy Empowerment Day

Literacy Empowerment Project - empowers historically marginalized and minoritized youth through multi-modal expressions of literacy by highlighting the cultural, community, and home literacies underserved students possess. Students learn to use their existing knowledge as tools that support their learning in academic settings while strengthening their identities, languages, and customs. We establish partnerships with local schools.​

For more information or to join the Literacy Empowerment Project committee, please contact Assistant Professor Araceli Feliz

Youth Literacy Empowerment Day

“Seeds to Roots: Cultivating healthy futures” “Semillas a Raices: Cultivando futuros sanos”
~ Building student empowerment through cultural, community, and home literacies ~

Workshops | Food - Fall 2024 | Friday, November 1, 2024
10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Sacramento State
Registration is open by invitation only. Contact Araceli Feliz if you are a school interested in participating.

CRISJ Empowerment Scholarship

Application Deadline:

March 2, 2024

Award Disbursement: Fall 2024

CRISJ’s Mission: Work collaboratively with faculty, students, staff and diverse community members to provide a platform of opportunities that seek to transform the educational culture and create a more inclusive and welcoming climate for underserved minority students and communities through active engagement in research, advocacy, and awareness of issues, concerns and concepts in race, ethnicity, immigration tudies, and social justice. Accordingly, the CRISJ Empowerment scholarship recognizes students who exemplify this mission in their academic and community engagement.

Criteria/Requirements: Undergraduate or Graduate (classified) student at Sacramento State, minimum 3.0 GPA, Full-time enrollment at time of application and award, demonstrate financial need (working class, first generation student, historically unrepresented minority), demonstrate civic service and social justice in the on and/or off campus community, provide one or two references, and submit with application a 1-2 page essay outlining how student experiences have motivated to civic service and to social justice.

Contact Information:

To Apply go to: StudentCenter>Financial Aid Links> Apply for Scholarships OR by clicking below.

Community Empowerment Faire 2024

April 3, 2024 I University Ballroom III

12:00 Noon - 3:00pm

The Center on Race, Immigration, and Social Justice (CRISJ) invites students and faculty to their annual Community Empowerment Faire.

Students will be able to engage with various community organizations to learn about their services and how they can get empowered and involved on issues of social justice. Faculty are welcomed to bring their classes and encourage their students to attend. We will have FOOD & PRIZES!


The goal of the event is to help students:

  1. Feel a sense of purpose by addressing issues that matter to them
  2. Motivate them to give back their communities, and
  3. Offer them the opportunity to apply their academic knowledge in the field, providing them the biggest lessons on what works and what does not in the service of social and environmental justice.

Kevin Johnson - The KKK, Immigration Law and Policy, and Donald Trump

Many Americans remember the Ku Klux Klan for its horrific acts of violence directed
at African Americans. Although generally overshadowed by that violence, the
Klan’s vilification of other groups, including immigrants and religious minorities,
also was central to its philosophy of white Anglo-Saxon supremacy. Some modern
anti-immigrant advocates, including former President and frontrunner for the 2024
Republican nomination Donald Trump, advocate remarkably similar anti-immigrant
policies of the KKK, with racial animus on full display. In this talk, Kevin Johnson, Dean of UC Davis Law School, analyzes the enduring legacy of the KKK’s immigration philosophy on contemporary U.S. immigration law and politics.

Farmworker Migrant Housing and the Limits of Citizenship and Education

Each year, hundreds of US citizens in California are displaced and Mexican-American youth miss months of school. Learn more in this documentary about living at the edges of citizenship, effects in children's education and engage in conversation with filmaker, farmworker's rights activists and listen to personal experiences from of our students on the topic of the 50 mile rule, currently under exemption only until 2024, and the need to be made permanent.

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Cottonwood Suite, 2nd Floor | University Union


comovivimos-002.png6:00pm - 7:20pm - Film Screening of “Como Vivimos (How we live)”

Presented by: Aggie Ebrahimi Bazaz, Filmaker

7:30pm - 8:30pm - Panel: Alumni, Sac State students and farmworker’s rights activists

  • Dr. Joaquin Arambula, California State Assembly Member
  • Dr. Ann Lopez, Director of Center for Farmworker Families
  • Luis Magaña, Organizacion de Trabajadores Agricolas de California
  • Lauren Ornelas, Founder/Director, Food Empowerment Project
  • Jose Modesto, Sacramento State Alumnus
  • CAMP Students, Sacramento State


Request accommodations one week prior to event. Download flyer HERE.



Research Mentorship Conference (Virtual)

Date/Time: TBD

Students and faculty mentors participating in the CRISJ Research Mentorship Program will present their research, creative, and scholarly work. Come listen to and engage with students and their faculty mentors as they discuss their exciting, social justice-informed research projects. The conference presentations center on timely, critical issues such as immigration policy, bilingualism, mental health, ethnic studies, true crime podcasts, and other engaging topics. The conference is free, virtual, and open to the public.


'Building Justice' podcast

podcast logo

Building Justice explores critical issues affecting our communities with the hopes of creating a healthier and more just world.

The ongoing conversations between the Sacramento State community and regional partners aim to spark understandings, empathies, and motivation to join the struggle for a better future for all.

For more information or to join the podcast steering and production committee, please contact Professor Elvia Ramirez (