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CHRS Project Division Of Administration & Business Affairs

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How will CHRS impact me?


CHRS will impact Human Resources processes and procedures for staff and faculty. The system manages data such as budgeted positions, employment, job, and personal data. CHRS will change aspects of self-service, time and absence management, recruitment, benefits, temporary academic employment, and more.

Impacts are subject to change as the project progresses.

Changes by Employee Type

CHRS Landing Page for Employees

  • Employee Self Service will be the new landing page when logging into CHRS.
  • Sac State is moving away from the custom My Sac State “Employee Center” self-service pages in CMS-HR and embracing the delivered Employee Self Service functionality in CHRS.
  • Some functions in My Sac State “Employee Center” will no longer be available, while new options and services will be offered in CHRS Employee Self Service.
  • The CHRS interface will use visual tiles rather than menu options and are designed to fit on mobile devices. The processes are similar to current.
  • The new CHRS home page tiles will link to services such as: personal details; time; Cal Employee paycheck view; position appointment information; benefits summary, enrollment, life events and statement options.


  • Self-service and manager self-service pages have a vastly different look and feel but the processes are similar to current
  • Forecasting will be implemented for absences allowing employees to have a better idea of what their balance will look like in the future
  • The absence process will run twice daily and the monthly calendar will be closed on the 5th working day of the month, which means updated balances will be posted sooner


  • eBenefits enables employee access to self-service for enrollment in benefits.
  • The user interface in CHRS will have a vastly different look and feel, but employees will still be able to view the bulk of their benefit transactions online using CHRS Benefits self-service.

Temporary Academic Employment

  • Formerly Temporary Faculty
  • This new functionality is expected to help streamline the appointment/reappointment of temporary academic employees (Units 3 and 11) such as lecturers, Teaching Associates (TA), Graduate Assistants (GA), and Instructional Student Assistants (ISA)
  • Appointment notifications will be sent and acknowledged electronically.


  • Self-service and manager self-service pages have a vastly different look and feel but the processes are similar to current
  • No Leave Taken will be entered and approved on its own pages instead of being part of absence, as it is now
  • Forecasting will be implemented for absence allowing employees to have a better idea of what their balance will look like in the future
  • Comments for certain absence types are not required by the system as they are now; however, Sac State will still require comments for certain types of absences (e.g. bereavement leave, sick family)
  • The absence process will run twice daily and the monthly calendar will be closed on the 5th working day of the month, which means updated balances will be posted sooner


  • eBenefits enables employee access to self-service for enrollment in benefits.
  • The user interface in CHRS will have a vastly different look and feel, but employees will still be able to view the bulk of their benefit transactions online using CHRS Benefits self-service.


  • A query tool will exist in CHRS, but queries that currently exist in CMS-HR will need to be recreated in CHRS. If you have access to create private queries, the CHRS project team will contact you to migrate queries and ensure access.
  • Reporting may occur differently with CHRS. Solutions are under discussion and will be announced in the future.

Temporary Academic Employment

  • Formerly Temporary Faculty
  • The new Temporary Academic Employment module is expected to help streamline the appointment/reappointment of temporary academic employees (Units 3 and 11) such as lecturers, Teaching Associates (TA), Graduate Assistants (GA), and Instructional Student Assistants (ISA).
  • Appointment notifications will be sent and acknowledged electronically.
  • Built-in workflow and approvals will help the flow of data from one unit to another and should reduce keying and time to finalize appointments/reappointments

Time Reporting

  • Self-service and manager self-service pages have a vastly different look and feel but the processes are similar to current
  • The timesheet view defaults to the current week and cannot be changed (currently it defaults to the current pay period)
  • Hourly and overtime reporting, both the earn and the take, are capable of entry via employee self-service


  • Self-service and manager self-service pages have a vastly different look and feel but the processes are similar to current
  • No Leave Taken will be entered and approved on its own pages instead of being part of absence, as it is now
  • Forecasting will be implemented for absence allowing employees to have a better idea of what their balance will look like in the future
  • Comments for certain absence types are not required by the system as they are now; however, Sac State will still require comments for these types of absences (e.g. sick leave for family)
  • The absence process will run twice daily and the monthly calendar will be closed on the 5th working day of the month, which means updated balances will be posted sooner


  • eBenefits enables employee access to self-service for enrollment in benefits.
  • The user interface in CHRS will have a vastly different look and feel, but employees will still be able to view the bulk of their benefit transactions online using CHRS Benefits self-service.

CHRS Recruiting - PageUp

  • There will be minor changes to the integration process between CSU Recruit and CHRS; this will only impact a handful of employees.

Labor Cost Distribution (LCD)

  • Custom LCD reports will not be available; however, we plan to review the delivered reports in the financial data warehouse (FDW) and the new CHRS reporting solution (QuickSight) to determine if they meet our needs.

Person of Interest (POI)

  • Persons of Interest (POIs) who require access to CHRS Systems (search committee members, some temp agency employees, some contractors, etc.) will be entered directly into CHRS with required information. All other POIs will be entered into Campus Solutions.
  • The POI function in CHRS has been redesigned to require a date of birth and social security number, as well as a department ID and an expected end date
  • “Reports_to” information for POIs can be entered and tracked

Personal Data Changes

  • Student employees (as well as all employees) need to update their personal information (e.g. preferred name, address, emergency contacts) in CHRS Employee Self Service.

Position Management

  • Position numbers will change. Positions will be migrated to a new 8-digit numbering system.
  • There is a new option to track Conflict of Interest information for positions.
  • The campus custom SACHR_25 position management report will no longer be available. Alternative reports with similar data will be available either by query or QuickSight.
  • The custom reporting relationship inquiry and update feature will no longer be available. All “reports to” changes must be made through the Budget Office.


  • A query tool will exist in CHRS, but queries that currently exist in CMS-HR will need to be recreated in CHRS. If you have access to create private queries, the CHRS project team will contact you to migrate queries and ensure access.
  • Reporting may occur differently with CHRS. Solutions are under discussion and will be announced in the future.

Temporary Academic Employment

  • Formerly Temporary Faculty
  • The new Temporary Academic Employment module is expected to help streamline the appointment/reappointment of temporary academic employees (Units 3 and 11) such as lecturers, Teaching Associates (TA), Graduate Assistants (GA), and Instructional Student Assistants (ISA)
  • Appointment notifications will be sent and acknowledged electronically.
  • Built-in workflow and approvals will help the flow of data from one unit to another and should reduce keying and time to finalize appointments/reappointments

Time Reporting

  • Self-service and manager self-service pages have a vastly different look and feel but the processes are similar to current
  • Hourly and overtime reporting, both the earn and the take, are capable of entry via employee self-service

Personal Data Changes

  • Student employees (as well as all employees) need to update their personal information (e.g. preferred name, address, emergency contacts) in CHRS information (Employee Center).


  • Self-service and manager self-service pages have a vastly different look and feel but the processes are similar to current


  • Benefits Reps will experience significant changes to processing, including options for self-service and having the Chancellor's Office taking more control over various processes
  • CHRS will have a vastly different look and feel, but employees will still be able to view the bulk of their benefit transactions online using CHRS Benefits self-service.


  • HR will now have the option to track Conflict of Interest information for positions

Employment Services and Faculty Affairs

  • The full integration process for PageUp (CHRS Recruiting) will be implemented which will change how Employment Services and Faculty Affairs finalize appointments.
  • This new functionality is expected to help streamline the appointment/reappointment of temporary academic employees (Units 3 and 11) such as lecturers, Teaching Associates (TA), Graduate Assistants (GA), and Instructional Student Assistants (ISA)
  • Built-in workflow and approvals in the Temporary Academic Employment module will help the flow of data from one unit to another and should reduce keying and time to finalize appointments/reappointments.
  • Faculty Affairs will have the ability to do a final approval and push the data into Job, thus reducing their keying as well.


  • Forecasting will be implemented for absence allowing employees to have a better idea of what their balance will look like in the future
  • Comments for certain absence types are not required by the system as they are now; however, Sac State will still require comments for these types of absences (e.g. sick leave for family)
  • The absence process will run twice daily and the monthly calendar will be closed on the 5th working day of the month, which means updated balances will be posted sooner


  • Hourly and overtime reporting, both the earn and the take, are capable of entry via employee self-service
  • Employees may request absences via the Time tile (known previously as Report Absences). Employees can report/request the absence ahead of time, and the reports-to can approve ahead. Once approved, the manager will not need to approve again.


  • A query tool will exist in CHRS, but queries that currently exist in CMS-HR will need to be recreated in CHRS. If you have access to create private queries, the CHRS project team will contact you to migrate queries and ensure access.
  • Reporting may occur differently with CHRS. Solutions are under discussion and will be announced in the future.

Changes by Function or Module

With the move to a common HR system, shared with other campuses, new CHRS ID numbers and position numbers will be generated. However, our Sac State ID will remain our primary ID number for campus services.

  • Sac State ID: We will keep our Sac State IDs, however it will not display as Empl ID in CHRS. Sac State ID's will remain the same, stored in Campus Solutions and used for campus services (e.g., Sac State ID card, library, etc.). This is displayed as the User Profile ID in CHRS.
  • New! CHRS ID: A new 9-digit number unique to each employee, will be assigned regardless of the campus for which they work. This is called the “CHRS ID”, “CHRS Person ID” and “Empl ID” in CHRS.
  • New! CHRS Position Number: Each position will now be assigned a unique CHRS position number by the system. The previous position numbers from version 9.0 (CMS-HR) will be discontinued. Job Codes will remain the same.
  • User Profile ID: Our Sac State ID number with a campus identifier of "60" in front of it and stored in CHRS

Delivery of crosswalks for current active employee data (will include Sac State ID and CHRS ID) will be provided after Go Live.

  • Self-service and manager self-service pages have a vastly different look and feel but the processes are similar to current.
  • No Leave Taken will be entered and approved on its own pages instead of being part of absence, as it is now.
  • Employees can key absences up to 12 months in advance and 12 months prior.
  • Forecasting will be implemented for absences allowing employees to have a better idea of what their balance will look like in the future.
  • Comments for certain absence types are not required by the system as they are now; however, Sac State will still require comments for these types of absences (e.g. sick leave for family).
  • The absence process will run twice daily and the monthly calendar will be closed on the 5th working day of the month, which means updated balances will be posted sooner.
  • Note: Only absence balances (sick, vacation, personal holiday) as of the end of the February 2025 pay period will be migrated to CHRS. (No historical detail of usage will be available in CHRS.) Until 3/6/2025, you may download Absence Balance Details from: My Sac State > Current Absence Balances for your personal records.

  • eBenefits enables employee access to self-service for enrollment in benefits.
  • Life Events in self-service provides a guided process for employees to initiate a change to their benefits due to specific life events such as birth, adoption, marriage, and divorce.
  • Activity guides can be used for specific CSU Life Events and provide step-by-step instructions for completing the specific tasks such as birth, adoption, marriage, divorce, late enrollment, and parent-child relationship.
  • Benefits Reps will experience significant changes to processing, including options for self-service and having the Chancellor's Office taking more control over various processes.

  • No notable changes after going live in August 2021
  • As of 3/24/2024, recruiting of Academic Student Employees (Unit 11) are handled through PageUp

  • Employee Self Service will be the new landing page when logging into CHRS.
  • The CHRS interface will use visual tiles rather than menu options and are designed to fit on mobile devices. The processes are similar to current.
  • Sac State is moving away from the custom My Sac State “Employee Center” self-service pages in CMS-HR and embracing the delivered Employee Self Service functionality in CHRS.
  • Some functions in My Sac State “Employee Center” will no longer be available, while new options and services will be offered in CHRS Employee Self Service.
  • The new CHRS home page tiles will link to services such as: personal details; time; Cal Employee paycheck view; position appointment information; benefits summary, enrollment, life events and statement options.

  • Custom LCD reports will not be available; however, we plan to review the delivered reports in the Finance Data Warehouse (FDW) and the new CHRS reporting solution to determine if they meet our needs

  • Student employees (as well as all employees) need to update their personal information (e.g. preferred name, address, emergency contacts) in CHRS Employee Self Service.

  • Position numbers will change. Positions will be migrated to a new 8-digit numbering system.
  • There is a new option to track Conflict of Interest information for positions.
  • The campus custom SACHR_25 position management report will no longer be available. Alternative reports with similar data will be available either by query or QuickSight.
  • The custom reporting relationship inquiry and update feature will no longer be available. All “reports to” changes must be made through the Budget Office.

  • With CHRS there will be different options for reporting. Sac State will make use of: 1) CHRS delivered reports, 2) Cognos campus reports, and 3) CSU Systemwide delivered reports through tools such as Quicksight and Snowflake
  • Since campus public queries are not migrating, Sac State's CHRS module leads are creating private queries to be shared with module users
  • CSU-wide CHRS public queries will be available as CHRS evolves
  • 6 years of history will be imported into CHRS. For areas that need further historical data, a Cognos report may be provided after Go Live with a snapshot of CMS-HR data as of mid-March 2025. Requirements to be defined and evaluated after Go Live.
  • To view updated information on Reporting, go to CHRS Training & Instructions > Reporting section

  • Formerly Temporary Faculty, this new module is one of the most exciting changes in CHRS!
  • New addition: TAE will be used to appoint Unit 11 employees -- Teaching Associates (TA), Graduate Assistants (GA), and Instructional Student Assistants (ISA) -- as well as temporary faculty. As of 3/24/2024, Unit 11 employees will also be recruited through PageUp.
  • This new functionality streamlines the appointment/reappointment of temporary academic employees (Units 3 and 11) such as lecturers, Teaching Associates (TA), Graduate Assistants (GA), and Instructional Student Assistants (ISA).
  • Appointment notifications will be sent and acknowledged electronically.
  • Built-in workflow and approvals will help the flow of data from one unit to another and should reduce keying and time to finalize appointments/reappointments.
  • Faculty Affairs will have the ability to do a final approval and push the data into Job, thus reducing their keying as well.

  • Self-service and manager self-service pages have a vastly different look and feel but the processes are similar to current.
  • The timesheet view defaults to the current week and cannot be changed (currently it defaults to the current pay period).
  • Hourly and overtime reporting, both the earn and the take, are capable of entry via employee self-service.

  • Employees may notice they have additional ID numbers with CHRS. See section above regarding "New! CHRS ID and Position Numbers".