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Professional Development Stipends

A Professional Development Stipend is a way in which to make a one-time payment to unit 3 faculty participants who complete professional development trainings or workshops in which the payment is pre-approved by the President or their designee. This page will provide information about Professional Development Stipend policies and processes as well as advertise Professional Development Stipend opportunities for active unit 3 faculty.


Professional Development Stipend

A Professional Development Stipend is not a form of Additional Employment, but rather a way to make a one-time payment to active unit 3 faculty participants who complete professional development trainings or workshops in which the payment is pre-approved by the President or their designee. The process was established via technical letter HR/Salary 2023-11. Trainings that are required by law or CSU policy cannot be considered for a stipend. All faculty who participate in the same manner and complete the same approved training or professional development opportunity must be paid the same amount.


Full-time & part-time Unit 3 faculty with an active payroll status who participate and complete in full the training or workshop are eligible to receive a pre-approved Professional Development Stipend.

Faculty who are FERP-ing or who are Retired Annuitants are ineligible, as are staff. Active unit 3 faculty facilitators of a training or workshop are also ineligible and would need to be paid through an alternative method, such as Additional Employment.


Professional Development Stipends (PDS) are nonpensionable, are taxable, and eligible for benefits deductions. Faculty participants must complete the stated terms in full to be eligible for payment. Work completed during a PDS does not count towards entitlement or workload, and cannot be considered during faculty review or consideration for course assignments unless included in CV. All work produced during a PDS is subject to Intellectual Property Rights controlled by Article 39 of the Unit 3 Collective Bargaining Agreement. Total PDS awards, per faculty member, per fiscal year, cannot exceed $10,000. FERP faculty and Retired Annuitants are ineligible for PDS awards/payments.


Request for Pre-Approval

Program Director and/or MPP of the training or workshop opportunity, in which participants will be paid the same rate for partipation in the Professional Development Stipend, must complete the pre-approval form. This form must be signed by the requestor as well as the MPP with DOA for the funds being used.

If Approved

If approved, a completed announcement form must be submitted for publication on this website and/or campus public facing website. All approved Professional Development Stipend opportunities must be publicly adverstised for participants to be eligible to receive this stipend.

Review Applicants

All applicants must be screened for eligibility by the host of the professional development opportunity. Only active unit 3 faculty who are not FERPing or rehired annuitants, and who are not staff or faciliators of the event or opportunity are eligible. All participants must be paid the same stipend for participation. Refer to the information section of this site or the technical letter HR/Salary 2023-11for more detail.

Paying Participants

Once the opportunity has ended and participants have completed all expected requirements for compensation the requestor will submit a signed Request for Payment Form. All partcipants who completed the same workshop or training must be paid the same amount. Faculty who facilitate the event are ineligible to receive a Professional Development Stipend. Faculty facilitators would be paid either through the Additional Employment.

Professional Development Stipend Opportunities


Professional Development Stipends (PDS) are none pensionable, are taxable, and eligible for benefits deductions. Faculty participants must complete the stated terms in full to be eligible for payment. Work completed during a PDS does not count towards entitlement or workload, and cannot be considered during faculty review or consideration for course assignments unless included in CV. All work produced during a PDS is subject to Intellectual Property Rights controlled by Article 39 of the Unit 3 Collective Bargaining Agreement. Total PDS awards, per faculty member, per fiscal year, cannot exceed $10,000. FERP faculty, Retired Annuitants, and Staff are ineligible for PDS awards/payments.

Professional Development Opportunities

Opportunities are removed from this list once the application window has closed.