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Policies & Procedures

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COVID19-related MOUs between Sacramento State and the California Faculty Association (CFA)

Mandatory I-9 Verification Process

Sac State uses a 3rd party vendor called Tracker I-9 Complete to create and track I-9 forms electronically. New employees or returning employees who have been separated from the campus for a year or more will be asked to complete this process. You will receive an email from and will be required to complete the form.

An authorized representative from the University will then be contacting you for next steps on presenting unexpired U.S. employment authorization documents as required.

For a list of acceptable documents or more information on the I-9 compliance please click here

Required Documents for New Faculty

You will be contacted by Human Resources to arrange a virtual appointment during which you will complete your hiring paperwork. You will be asked to verify your identity with:

  • Government issued license or ID with photo AND
  • Non-laminated Social Security Card OR
  • Unexpired U.S. Passport

Before the appointment, review and complete the following forms (you will be able to ask questions and modify them as needed prior to submitting them):

Voluntary Forms for New Faculty

These forms can be completed and returned to the office of human resources, employment services, at any time:

Email Setup for New Faculty

Other Important Forms and Information for All Faculty

Academic Policies and Information

Executive Orders (EO)

Campus Policies and Information

As state employees, each of us is also covered by various statutes and the state constitution regulating conflicts of interest, ethics, and the use of public information for personal gain. Prohibitions include:

  • Using state time, facilities, equipment, or supplies for private gain
  • Using confidential information available by virtue of CSU employment for private gain
  • Receiving or accepting “extra compensation or extra allowance” from the state for performance of duties as a state employee after service has been rendered
  • Receiving personal gifts or honoraria from anyone seeking to do business with the recipient’s appointing authority

We also have a responsibility to respect the confidentiality of certain information, records and data, including social security numbers. Careless, accidental, or intentional disclosure of confidential information violates privacy rights and is expressly forbidden by various state and federal statutes. Campus policies on confidentiality of information are found at All new faculty will also complete training on information security.

Access all university policies.

The California Faculty Association has provided the following information: You are represented by the California Faculty Association, a union of more than 28,000 professors, lecturers, librarians, counselors and coaches who teach in the California State University system. In classrooms on the 23 CSU campuses, CFA members work hard to teach our students. To join, as an active member with rights to vote and engage fully on behalf of yourself and others, go to: