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University Foundation University Advancement

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Reports and Finances

To supplement the basic support provided by the State, each campus in the California State University system is expected to raise private support and to meet an established philanthropic productivity goal. This philanthropic productivity goal is set based on the campus’ annual State appropriation and represents a percentage of its general operating budget.

At Sacramento State, philanthropic support includes gifts (both cash and in-kind), pledges, grants from private foundations and testamentary commitments through estate plans.

Gift Types

Funds gifted to Sacramento State are donated in several ways, including:

Current Use Gifts

Current use or expendable gifts cover a broad range of uses and are given with the expectation that they will be used in the near future. They also include the "annual funds" that provide discretionary support for departments and colleges on campus. Gifts can be restricted—where the donor specifies how the gift will be used—or unrestricted, where the beneficiary makes the determination.


Funds designated for endowments provide ongoing support. Endowments are made with the expectation that only the earnings on the principal will be used to meet the donor's philanthropic intent and that the funds will be invested to provide an income stream in perpetuity. Building the University's endowment will help secure continuous funding for students and faculty, enrich academic and campus programs, and encourage strategic planning.

Planned Gifts

The University Foundation at Sacramento State also oversees planned gifts for those donors who wish to include the University in their estate plans.

Fund Management

The Foundation receives and manages gifts in support of Sacramento State. Gift types include endowments, current use gifts and planned gifts. Donors can give gifts of cash, securities or real estate, which can be used to fund either an endowment or a current-use account.

In 2013, The University Foundation at Sacramento State retained the services of Sand Hill Global Advisors to assist with investment management services. Working closely with the Board of Directors' investment committee, Sand Hill representatives guide strategic asset allocation to maximize returns on the University's endowed funds.

For more information on the management and guidelines of endowed funds, current funds and charitable trusts, take a look at The University Foundation at Sacramento State's investment policy.


The University Foundation at Sacramento State, a not-for-profit organization, is the primary auxiliary organization designated to raise private support for Sacramento State. It manages thousands of private gifts donated annually to the University.

In accordance with its bylaws, California State University policy, California State law, IRS and other relevant federal regulations, The University Foundation at Sacramento State provides an audited financial report to the CSU Trustees annually. These public documents—both the current and archived statements—are provided below.

Audited Financials

Tax Returns (ending on)


The University Foundation at Sacramento State Board of Directors may create one or more committees, each consisting of two or more Directors and no persons who are not Directors, to serve at the pleasure of the Board. The Board may appoint one or more Directors as alternate members of any such committee, who may replace any absent member at any meeting. Any such committee, to the extent provided in the Board resolution, shall have all authority of the Board, except the restrictions placed on each committee.

Executive Committee

Consists of no less than three Directors. The committee has all the authority of the Board at times when it is not convenient for the Board to act at a special meeting, except with respect to special matters and to any expenditures in excess of $10,000.

Audit Committee

Consists of no less than three Directors but may have any number of members who are not Directors. The Audit Committee is under the supervision of the Board. Some of its responsibilities include: recommending to the Board the retention and termination of the independent auditor, negotiating the auditor's compensation on behalf of the Board and conferring with the auditor to assure that the Corporation's financial affairs are in order.

Finance Committee

Consists of no fewer than three directors, each a member of the Board. The committee assists the Board in fulfilling its oversight responsibility for the investment assets of the Foundation by formulating the overall investment policies of the Foundation, subject to the approval of the Board. It establishes investment guidelines in furtherance of those polices and monitors the management of the portfolio for compliance with the investment policies and guidelines, and for meeting performance objectives over time.

Governance Committee

Consists of no fewer than three members, each a member of the Board. The committee assists the Board in formulating a description of skills and attributes to guide the composition of the Board. It identifies individuals qualified to become members of the Board, consistent with the criteria established by the Board and leads the recruitment, proposing candidates to be nominated for election as a Director by the Board at annual and special meetings of the Board. It facilitates orientation and training of new board members, and develops and conducts periodic performance reviews of the Board and Board members. It develops and recommends corporate governance guidelines applicable to the Foundation to the Board for adoption and it assists the Board with its oversight of the performance of the Foundation’s risk management function.