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Wellness In The Classroom

Positive well-being is an important predictor of learning and student success. Research indicates a strong connection between student wellbeing, deep learning, and impactful teaching practices.

By making small adjustments to their teaching practices and course structure, faculty can have an enormous impact on students’ wellness and ability to learn. We offer the Classroom Wellness Online Toolkit, a menu of strategies and resources, to help faculty incorporate elements of wellbeing into their pedagogy. We also offer additional resources, technical assistance, and a Faculty Learning Community through the Center for Teaching and Learning.

Many Sacramento State faculty are already practicing these strategies and witnessing the positive effect on their students. Here are some of the things their students have to say about this approach:

“Knowing that someone truly cares for our wellbeing has been a huge impact on my performance in class and my experience has been very rewarding.”

“It made me want to come to class and engage.”

“I felt welcomed and comfortable participating.”

“It was easier for me to ask for help when I needed it.”

To learn more, join the network of faculty across campus who are invested in the wellness of their students, and see below for additional resources.

Hike to health? New Sac State path could be the right route.

Learn about the new Sac State Path


The following downloadable handouts were created by Sacramento State faculty participating in the Wellness in the Classroom Faculty Learning Community. The authors have granted permission for their use with your students.

Please note that not all handouts are ADA compliant in electronic format.