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Hornet Launch Division of Student Affairs

Support Page Content

Frequently Asked Questions


How do I opt in?

You are automatically opted in, but we do need you to respond to a student survey and complete your English Directed Self Placement to help us create your schedule. If your major requires a Math course, you should also complete your ALEKS PPL Placement.

Student Survey

What is the student survey for?

The Hornet Launch student survey is a very short questionnaire that asks about scheduling preferences, areas of interest and any college credit anticipated. You responses help determine what courses you are pre-enrolled for.

When and how do I get it?

Surveys will be sent out after March 1. You will receive an email from this email address - with a link to the survey on the Friday after you submit your Intent to Enroll.

I still have not gotten my survey!

That's unusual. Make sure you check your junk mail folder. Please email for assistance.

Why should I complete the student survey? How does completing the survey benefit a student’s schedule?

Your responses help the university understand your scheduling preferences such as time and days of the week.

The survey also give us initial information on what college credits you have and what Math courses you have already taken so we can place you in the right classes. Letting us know your interests and goals also help us find courses in your area(s) of interest.

Can I retake the survey?

Unfortunately, not at this time. If you feel you need to speak with an advisor, email the Hornet Launch team.

What if I don't take the survey?

We will base your schedule on self-reported information on college credit and Math courses you've taken, but cannot take into account any preferences on schedule, nor any courses that may interest you.

Can you guarantee that you can meet all my preferences?

We will do all we can to meet your preferences. Remember that there are a few thousand new students in the fall. While we cannot guarantee you will love your schedule 100%, we will give it our best try.


Why is Sac State selecting courses for first-time first-year students?

Sac State wants to ensure that all students have the opportunity to be enrolled in 15 productive units for each of their first two semesters, putting them on track to finish their degree in a timely manner. It also takes away your worry and the uncertainty of whether you will get the classes you need or want.

How were these courses chosen?

For each program, faculty and academic advisors have worked together to recommend the first-year pathway that will build momentum to get students to the point of earning their degree in a timely fashion. The survey and placements also tell us what you need or want.

Why does timely degree completion matter?

Lots of reasons, some of which are really concrete and practical. For one thing, students will only take and pay for units that will count toward their degree. Also, the earlier they graduate, the earlier they can start their career in their chosen field. Both add up to savings in time and money.

Why is Sac State pre-enrolling students in course schedules, rather than simply recommending courses?

Two reasons. First, Sac State can’t promise every student the courses they need at the times that they want them. But we can promise the courses they need in the semester that they need them. Second, Sac State can create blocks of courses that make sense when packaged together, so that students can avoid, say, a night class followed by an early morning class. We can’t promise to accommodate every preference, but we pledge to do the very best we can.

Doesn't this take away the freedom of students to choose their own schedules and courses?

Not really. Prior to this, the choice of courses for first-year students was a game of chance. If they were in an early orientation, and in the right major, they might have a lot of choice. If they were in a late orientation, or a high-demand major, they got to choose from whatever courses were left. We are leveling the playing field and providing you with the courses you need in your first year, but giving you the freedom to change your enrollment, if needed.

I am Undeclared. Will I have a schedule too?

Yes, you will. We have put together a basic roadmap for you! If you need help with career exploration, our Career Center has lots of resources for you. Check out the section on Change of Major on this page form more information.

I belong to a student success program like EOP, CAMP, FCP. Will this be in conflict with those types of support programs?

No, it will not. We are working very closely with student success programs.

Change of Major and Schedule Changes

What if a student wants to change majors prior to the beginning of their first term?

If you are sure about the major you would like to change to and don’t need to speak with an advisor, you will need to complete a Change of Major request form. Before you do though, we do have a wealth of resources to help you make that important choice of major and future career:

  • Check out this short video on career and major exploration.
  • We recommend that you check out Focus 2 Career. It offers mini-assessments based on your interests, values, personality, and skills, and suggests ideas for majors.
  • For students who still wish to talk with an academic advisor about changing their major and how this may impact course selection/schedule adjustment, please email us at
  • If you would like to chat with someone about your career options, please contact Career Development Advisor, Alina Quintana, at
  • The Career Center website also has information on What Can You Do with This Major and other career resources.


  • The online Change of Major form will be available in March and can be used only by incoming first year students for Fall 2021 and only until August 27, 2021. After this date, students will need to complete a different from and obtain department approval to switch majors.
  • If the form is submitted by June 1, we will try to ensure the student registers for the orientation appropriate to their new major and is pre-enrolled in the appropriate first-year schedule. If the change of major is done during orientation, we cannot assure students they can still get the classes they need.

When will I see my schedule?

Students will begin seeing their schedules prior to Orientation. Schedules may continue to change and be shaped by any AP scores, IB credit or any college credit received by Sac State, so what you see may not always be the final schedule.

How do I find out more about the courses in my schedule?

For more information about your courses, please refer to the Sac State Catalog and go to Courses A-Z.

Do students have to take the courses they’re pre-enrolled in? Can they change their courses and their schedules if they want to?

No, students are not locked into the courses they are pre-enrolled in. Students can freely adjust their schedules beginning at Orientation and into the Late Registration period throughout most of July and August. We strongly urge students to seek advising, and we have hired a team of advisors specifically to address their needs; however, advising is not required to make schedule or course changes at Orientation or during late registration.

What should a student do with questions about the courses in which they are enrolled, their schedule, or their choice of a major?

We are here to help. There will be a number of Zoom sessions listed on the Hornet Launch website that you can attend. Or, contact a Hornet Launch Support Team member by sending an e-mail to During and after Orientation, you can also sign up for one-on-one advising.

English & Math Placements

How does Hornet Launch affect writing placement?

It doesn't. We rely on students to complete their English Directed Self Placement (DSP) Canvas course to ensure that they are in the right courses. Students who chose ENGL 10/10M will be enrolled in ENGL 10/10M fall semester and ENGL 11/11M spring semester. Students who choose ENGL 5/5M will be enrolled in ENG 5/5M either fall or spring semester.

While the deadline to complete your DSP Canvas course is June 26, we ask that you complete it as soon as possible.

How does Hornet Launch affect Math placement?

Please visit the Math ALEKS PPL website for frequently asked questions about ALEKS PPL.