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Free Speech Division of Student Affairs

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Freedom of Expression Grant

Sac State has decided to open up funding for community proposals which encourage dialogue around Freedom of Expression.

Submit a Proposal

This micro-grant program offers funding to members of the Sac State community who are committed to organizing events, discussions, and activities that bring people together to share experiences, exchange ideas, and explore diverse perspectives. Our Student Affairs Freedom of Expression team will review all proposals and make decisions on which to fund based on the stated criteria.

  • Requests for funding will be accepted on a rolling basis
  • Depending on the type and scope of program, 1 months is the recommended amount of time between proposal submission and event date. Adjustments to this timeline will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
  • Funding amounts will not exceed $5000 per program and may receive partial amounts.
  • All submitted proposals will undergo a committee review based on the following criteria:
    • Adherence to Sac State’s Hornet Honor Code.
    • Variety/inclusivity of topic and its ability to reach across differences and barriers rooted in Freedom of Expression.
    • Creativity and innovation. (Programmatic modalities that go beyond traditional panels, discussions and lectures, e.g., performance art, interactive discussions).
  • Committee will review programs according to a standard rubric based on the above criteria and notify programs on a rolling basis within one month of submission.
  • Programs awarded funding will need to complete the following steps before the date of their event.
    • At least two weeks before event, must meet with a member of Student Affairs to review TPM expectations prior to event.
  • Programs awarded funding must include TPM information during event and TPM handouts must be available to attendees.
  • Programs awarded funding must complete post event form within a week after the event.

Please note that programs charging admissions fees, engaging in fundraising will not be funded. Also, using awarded funds to purchase promos or giveaways, food and drink, including catering will not be supported.