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Campus Addendum to the Interim CSU Systemwide Time, Place and Manner Policy

The information reflected in this page is an addendum to the Interim CSU Systemwide Time, Place and Manner Policy.

View the Policy

Addendum Key Points

  1. No one shall enter or otherwise remain on University Property between the hours of 12:00 AM and 6:00 AM or at such other times as published or posted by University housing and residential programs and other similarly specialized University programs.
  2. Access to and use of designated University Property must be scheduled and registered in advance, as noted in the list of University Property set forth below.
  3. All users assume responsibility for all damage they cause to University Property.
  4. Posting procedures and requirements for individual members of the campus community – students, faculty, and staff are defined below.
  5. Activities and Uses on University Property Requiring Written Permission: Posters, signage, banners, chalking, unmanned aircraft systems, amplified sound, commercial solicitation, use of University flagpoles, and flags flown.
  6. In partnership with Associated Students, Inc., an educational workshop and open forum will be hosted annually for students to review the Time, Place, and Manner Policy, student advocacy, and safety.

University Designee with Oversight and Enforcement Responsibility

Aniesha Mitchell, Vice President for Student Affairs, is the University administrative Employee designated to serve as the for California State University, Sacramento, with responsibility for oversight, implementation, and enforcement of the Systemwide Time, Place, and Manner Policy and this Addendum, including oversight of a training program for responsible staff and the broader university community (including Students and Employees).

Designated University Law Enforcement Liaison

Machelle Martin, Senior Associate Vice President for Human Resources, ABA, is the University administrative Employee designated to serve as the Designated University Law Enforcement Liaison between law enforcement and Students exercising rights guaranteed by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution or Section 2 of Article I of the California Constitution, or both.

University Response Team

The response team for matters related to implementation and enforcement include:

Name Title and Division Contact Information Policy Role
Aniesha Mitchell  Vice President for Student Affairs  Designated University Official
Machelle Martin  Senior Associate Vice President, Human Resources, ABA Designated University Law Enforcement Liaison
Bill Hebert Jr  Associate Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students, Student Affairs Student Affairs Liaison, oversight of Campus Activities Response Team, which assists University Response Team with implementation and enforcement of University policy
Felicia Lindstrot Johnson  Associate Vice President for Facilities Management, ABA Facilities Liaison
Kristen Tudor Chief of Staff, Office of the President Office of the President Liaison
Carlos Nevarez  Interim Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs  Academic Affairs Liaison
Gary Rosenblum Associate Vice President and Chief Risk Officer, Risk Management Services, ABA  Risk Management Liaison
Mark Hyde  Director, Employee & Labor Relations, Administrator in Charge, Academic Labor Relations  HR Liaison
Michael Nguyen  Chief Diversity Officer, Inclusive Excellence Diversity, Inclusion, Title IX, and Bias Liaison 
Jeannie Wong  Senior Associate Vice President, University Communications University Communications Liaison

California State University, Sacramento Operating Hours

No one shall enter or otherwise remain on University Property between the hours of 12:00 AM and 6:00 AM or at such other times as published or posted by University housing and residential programs and other similarly specialized University programs. This prohibition shall not apply to persons possessing valid written authorization from a University official, persons on legitimate University-related business, or persons attending a specific University sponsored event. Those persons with legitimate University business reasons, valid written authorization, or attending a University sponsored event shall be allowed to remain and access University Property as allowed in their authorization or through the duration of the specific event, after which time they shall leave University Property without any appreciable delay. This prohibition shall not apply to persons transiting on a roadway or path designated as open to the public.

Campus Time, Place and Manner Regulations

Access to and use of designated University Property must be scheduled and registered in advance, as noted in the list of University Property set forth below. Certain uses of University Property may be subject to fees, require liability insurance, and/or an indemnity agreement, which must be provided by those who seek to engage in such uses. All users assume responsibility for all damage they cause to University Property. In the event property damage occurs, the organization will be billed for damages. In the absence of an organization, the sponsoring agency of the organization will be billed for damages. In the absence of a sponsoring agency or organization, or if an agency or organization fails to pay for damages, individuals will be billed for damages. Full payment must be rendered within 30 days. Failure to pay for damage to University Property may jeopardize future access to and/or use of University Property and can result in discipline for Students and Employees who are responsible for the damage, as well as civil or criminal action.

For purposes of this Addendum, the following terms shall apply, as set forth in the CSU’s Systemwide Time, Place and Manner Policy:

A. Public Areas

A Public Area is University Property that is available for public assemblies, marches, demonstrations, protests, and debate. Right of access and equality of access are provided in these areas, so long as activities are lawful and do not disrupt University operations. Content-based restrictions are prohibited, but reasonable time, place and manner regulations will be applied. Spontaneous activities may take place in Public Areas without pre-scheduling or reservations except when Public Areas are reserved for specific uses and not available for general public use or spontaneous activities, as determined by the University.

B. Limited Areas

A Limited Area is University Property that is available to the public but due to business operations, safety concerns, or other important University interests, is not open for purposes of assembling, marching, demonstrating or protesting. Activities in these areas may require scheduling and reservations with the University, and are available on a limited basis, subject to campus regulations that are narrowly tailored to address the University's legitimate business interests.

Access to and use of certain designated University Property must be scheduled and registered in advance, as noted in the list of University Property set forth below. Certain uses of University Property may be subject to fees, require liability insurance, and/or an indemnity agreement which must be provided by those who seek to engage in such uses. All users assume responsibility for all damage they cause to University Property. Failure to pay for damage to University Property may jeopardize future access to and/or use of University Property and can result in discipline for Students and Employees who are responsible for the damage, as well as civil or criminal action.

C. Non-Public Areas

Except for areas designated as Public Areas and Limited Areas, all remaining University Property, including the interiors of all buildings and facilities are Non-Public Areas. These areas are not open to the public and the University can restrict access to Non-Public Areas on a Content and Viewpoint Neutral basis.

If there is a University location not listed below, please contact the University administrator responsible for implementing this Addendum.

List of University Properties

Place Day and Time Available Permitted Manner of Use Type of Place
Outdoor lawn spaces: Library Quad, Main Quad, South Green Lawn, and Outdoor Theater Lawn 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM Non-amplified speech and expression, including solicitation of signatures on noncommercial petitions except when reserved as permitted above and in a manner that does not restrict access and right of way.  Public
Academic Buildings:
Academic Information Resource Center, Alpine Hall, Amador Hall, Art Sculpture Lab, Benicia Hall, Brighton Hall, Calaveras Hall, Capistrano Hall, Del Norte Hall, Douglass Hall, Eureka Hall, Folsom Hall, Humboldt Hall, Kadema Hall, Library, Mariposa Hall, Mendocino Hall, Modoc Hall, Napa Hall, Non Destructive Lab, Placer Hall, Planetarium, Riverside Hall, Sequoia Hall, Shasta Hall, Studio Theatre, Solano Hall, Tahoe Hall, Tschannen Engineering Building, Tschannen Science Complex, Yosemite Hall
8:00 AM – 10 PM Academic Information Resource Center is open 24 hours daily to study for students and staff during the Fall and Spring Semesters. Reservations are required through Space Management.  Business operations, workshops, events, debates, conferences, meetings, and trainings. Limited
Athletics facilities and fields N/A   N/A  Non-Public
The University Union 6:30 AM – 11:00 PM, Monday-Thursday
6:30 AM – 9:00 PM, Friday 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM, Saturday 10:00 AM – 11:00 PM, Sunday  Reservations are required through the University Union Events Services Office.
Business operations, workshops, events, debates, conferences, meetings, and trainings.   Limited
The WELL (excluding medical and counseling space) 6:00 AM – 12:00 AM (Midnight), Monday-Thursday
6:00 AM – 10:00 PM, Friday8:00 AM – 8:00 PM, Saturday10:00 AM – 10:00 PM, Sunday

Reservations are required through the WELL Reservations.
 Business operations, workshops, events, debates, conferences, meetings, and trainings.   Limited
Administrative Multi-use Buildings: Sacramento Hall, Lassen Hall 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM Business operations Limited  
Administrative Buildings: Facilities Management and Annex, Public Safety, Receiving, University Print & Mail N/A   N/A  Non-Public
Paved Pedestrian Walkways 6:00 AM – 12:00 AM (Midnight) Walking (yellow strips must not be obstructed) Public
University Housing and Dining Commons N/A N/A Non-Public
Welcome Center 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM Business operations Non-Public
River Front Center 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Business operations Limited
Parking lots and garages 6:00 AM – 12:00 AM (Midnight), not including on-campus residents that may access parking areas outside these hours. Hours may be extended in certain lots and garages adjacent to approved events. For parking purposes only, unless reserved through Space Management or the parking area is being used for an event connected to a University-sponsored athletic competition. Limited
Capital Public Radio N/A N/A Non-Public
Harper Alumni Center 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM Reservations are required through the Alumni Association  Business operations, workshops, events, debates, conferences, meetings, and trainings.   Limited
Hornet Bookstore 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM  Business operations Limited
Julia Morgan House & Garden 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM Reservations are required through the University Enterprises, Inc.  Business operations, workshops, events, debates, conferences, meetings, and trainings.  Limited
Sac State Downtown 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM  Business operations, workshops, events, debates, conferences, meetings, and trainings.   Limited  

Scheduling and Registration Procedures

Entity Location and/or Area of Scheduling Oversight Website
Alumni Association Maintains and schedules the Harper Alumni Center 
Associated Students, Inc. Maintains and schedules the Aquatic Center and Peak Adventures
Capitol Public Radio Capitol Public Radio
Greystar Hornet Commons
Sac State Downtown Facility University Downtown Facility
Space Management Scheduling department for all academic and State-owned, controlled, and operated campus space
Student Organizations & Leadership (SO&L) All recognized student organizations must work through SO&L to schedule space on campus 
The WELL Scheduling department for The WELL 
University Enterprises Inc Maintains and schedules the Julia Morgan House 
University Housing Services North Village Housing Summer Conferencing
University Union Event Services  Scheduling department for the University Union

Activities and Uses on University Property Requiring Written Permission

The following activities and uses are prohibited unless prior written permission from the appropriate University official is obtained, or as otherwise provided in each Campus Addendum.

  1. Posters, Signs, Banners, and Chalking
    1. Recognized Student Organizations and Campus Departments: Recognized campus organizations or departments are permitted to post materials publicizing their on- and off-campus events, provided such materials include the name of the sponsoring organization, the time and place of the event, and the amount of admission if charged. Events include, but are not limited to, dances, films, speakers, concerts, athletic contests, performances, etc. Publicity that meets these criteria may be posted on outdoor bulletin boards and in the breezeways of Kadema and Eureka halls for up to two weeks. Recognized campus organizations may seek special permission from the office of Student Organizations & Leadership to post materials for up to three weeks. Student Organizations can find more information on special permission in the Student Organization Handbook. Posted materials must be removed by the recognized campus organization responsible for posting. If not removed in a timely manner, Student Organizations & Leadership will remove these materials. Materials removed will not be returned, and the University reserves the right to charge organizations for the cost of removal.
    2. Campus Community Members: Individual members of the campus community – students, faculty, and staff – are permitted to post materials that legally offer or seek articles or services, for sale or at no cost, provided such transactions are not commercial in nature. The publicity materials must include the name of the individual and the date the material is first posted. Materials can be posted no longer than two weeks and must be removed after the expiration of two weeks. Materials may be posted at designated bulletin boards and kiosks located throughout the campus. The University reserves the right to charge the cost of removal.
    3. Non-Affiliate Community: Members of the Sacramento community may post materials that advertise events on campus and/or offer articles or services for sale or at no cost. Such materials must be presented to Student Organizations & Leadership, which will review them to make sure they comply with these limitations. Postings must include the name and address of the person or group sponsoring the activity (e.g., an event or sale). Sales and solicitation for future sales will be approved as part of a scheduled event only when such sale or solicitation is an integral part of the educational purpose or objective of such activity. The date that the item is posted must also be on the materials. Approved off-campus materials may be posted on outdoor bulletin boards located throughout campus as outlined below. Student Organizations & Leadership may withhold permission to post when overcrowding occurs, and preference will be given to on-campus activities and groups.
    4. ASI Student Government Elections: For recognized Associated Students Incorporated elections, Sacramento State students are permitted to post materials as long as the materials are posted in accordance with the posting guidelines for recognized campus organizations. Detailed information on Associated Students Incorporated's rules and regulation regarding election materials can be found online at
    5. Posters, banners, and/or billboards on A-frames can be used for a period of up to three weeks to publicize approved campus events. The placement of billboards, banners, and A-frames is limited to 1) the decomposed granite areas in the Library Quad lawns; 2) the decomposed granite on the lawn between the AIRC, the South Green lawn, and Parking Structure III; and 3) the decomposed granite areas along the sidewalk north of Shasta Hall. Billboards, banners, or A-frames must be neatly presented, painted, or mounted on a solid surface (e.g., plywood, masonite-paper banners on stakes are not acceptable), and must not be larger than 4' high by 8' wide (excluding ASI elections in which the solid surface may not exceed 4' high by 4' wide). The University reserves the right to remove billboards that interfere with the normal operations of the campus, obstruct vehicular sight lines, or are deemed in any way to be unsafe.
    6. Outdoor bulletin boards are located in the front of several campus buildings. Only one copy of a particular posting, not exceeding 8.5"x 11", may be hung on the cork of the bulletin board. Posting over other materials is prohibited and will be removed. Materials may be posted for a period of up to two weeks.
    7. Lawn stakes and lawn signs to post publicity materials are not permissible.
    8. Chalking (with stick chalk) on walkways (no walls or vertical surfaces), concrete, or asphalt to promote campus events is permissible (all other methods of marking, including aerosol chalk, are prohibited). Chalking must be at least 30 feet away from the entrance to any building. Chalking is prohibited at the Residence Hall properties, The WELL and University Union properties (including on outside walkways leading to these buildings), the Library Breezeway, and the Bookstore Plaza. Chalking is prohibited on campus sightlines.
    9. Interior bulletin boards (including those inside and outside classrooms), other than locations noted above, belong to the departments that are assigned the space (the operating departments) in which the boards are placed. Approval for posting and removal of materials on such boards resides with the operating department. Such posting shall comply with the content rules of this policy.
    10. To post in areas or ways not listed above (e.g., the esplanade and south campus entrance) requires permission from the Minor Design Change Committee prior to posting.
    11. Certain locations are not permissible posting areas: doors and windows, restrooms, glass, entryways, bus shelters, phone booths, windows, interior walls, light posts, trees, doors, building exteriors, automobiles, departmental bulletin boards, and the railings of the Library. Student Organizations & Leadership and Facilities Management will remove items posted in non-approved locations. An exception is automatically extended to University Police in matters of public safety or for campus emergencies as designated by the Vice President for Student Affairs. Adhesive stickers are forbidden, and persons using them may be charged with vandalism.
  2. The use of amplified sound is only permitted during scheduled and approved events and must be requested at the time of space reservation.
  3. No Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) (also known as a drone) may be flown from, on or around University Property without the express written approval of the University’s Risk Management Office. Request approval by completing this form.
  4. Use of University Property for commercial purposes is prohibited unless prior written permission has been obtained from the University. Additionally, fees have been paid, insurance has been secured, and "Commercial solicitation" means any direct and personal communication in the course of a trade or business reasonably intended to result in a sale or profit. On-campus commercial sales and solicitation policies and practices will be consistent with established University policy, CSU General Counsel opinion, relevant court cases, and local and state regulations. Campus commercial sales and solicitations may not be in violation of University Enterprises, Inc. (UEI), vendor for exclusivity in food services, bookstore, and other campus operations.
    1. Registered student organizations and University departments may raise funds on campus if they complete the appropriate application process, receive approval to conduct the fundraising activity, and are issued a fundraising permit. In some cases, the student organization or University department may choose to partner with a commercial vendor. In these cases, the campus organization must make appropriate arrangements with the Student Organizations & Leadership Office.
    2. Commercial sales and solicitation by student organizations and other University departments shall be limited to the Library Quad, the area between Eureka and Brighton halls, and, upon special consideration, other areas of campus. Outside space contiguous to and within 50 feet of the Hornet Bookstore is reserved for commercial vendors sponsored by UEI. Commercial sales or solicitation by outside vendors not affiliated with student organizations or University departments may only take place on the edge of walkways adjacent to the Library Quad, Main Quad or when approved as part of a scheduled event or activity in the space or facility scheduled for the event.
    3. All individuals or entities seeking to engage in commercial sales and/or solicitations must secure a permit in advance from Student Organizations & Leadership. Student Organizations & Leadership will review sales and solicitation requests made by student organizations and University departments. Fundraising requests made by or in conjunction with off-campus organizations that wish to use campus facilities will be reviewed by both the Student Organizations & Leadership and the Office of Space Management. As appropriate, the Student Organizations & Leadership – often in consultation with University Enterprises, Inc. may limit the maximum number of vendors permitted on campus at any one time.
    4. Since proper agreements, insurance, and payment of fees must be in place prior to the issuance of a permit, organization representatives should initiate the process at least two weeks in advance of the intended start dates for a commercial solicitation.
    5. A commercial vendor who fails to comply with agreed-upon stipulations for the specified sale/solicitation will have its activity terminated and forfeit any funds previously paid.
    6. Credit card regulation: Commercial solicitations that include credit card applications are subject to additional regulations. [Section 1747.02 of the Civil Code, Chapter 1.3; Section 99030 of Part 65 of the Education Code, relating to credit cards.] Promotions may not require the applicant to be a student for participation. Educational material about credit card debt must be available with all applications in conjunction with other educational activities as determined by Student Organizations & Leadership. Student Organizations & Leadership must approve educational material and activities in advance. Commercial solicitations offering a premium or gift as a part of the promotion may not require participation in the solicitation or sale as a condition for receiving the gift or premium, and said item must be made available to any person upon request.
    7. Permission may be withheld during times when areas may be overcrowded by campus activities.
    8. Each vendor must prominently display, as determined by Student Organizations & Leadership or UEI as appropriate, the terms and conditions of any sales of goods or services offered by the vendor. The display must be visible to any prospective participant.
  5. University Flagpoles are reserved for official University use only. Flags flown on outdoor, permanently installed flagpoles located on University Property serve as a means of expression of the University’s official sentiments as determined by the University President or the Chancellor, as applicable. They are not a forum for free expression or expressive conduct by members of the University community or the public.
  6. Additional activities and uses
    1. Distribution of printed non-commercial material, handbills, or circulars
      1. The distribution of handbills and circulars is governed by CA Administrative Code, Title 5, Section 42342, which states, "No person or persons shall, upon any of the grounds of any campus cast, throw, deposit, or distribute any advertising handbills or circulars which contain false, misleading, or illegal advertising. The distribution of written or printed matter shall be permitted on campus, subject to reasonable directives by the campus president as to the time, place, and manner thereof. All directives issued by a campus president pursuant to this section shall be available to the public at places designated pursuant to Section 42354. Distribution of written or printed matter in violation of established campus directives regarding time, place, and manner is prohibited."
      2. All individuals are permitted to conduct this activity on the edge of walkways adjacent to the Library Quad, Main Quad or South Green, or Science Quad, as well as the information desk in University Union and the information desk in Student Services Center if the material aids achievement of the educational objectives of the campus. Non-University affiliated organizations and individuals, who are limited to normal operating hours M-F. Distribution in campus parking lots of any written or printed materials or on any motor vehicle parked on the campus by any person or group, campus-affiliated or otherwise, is prohibited.

Educational Programs and Activities to Support the Balance

Educational Programs and Activities to Support the Balance Between Free Speech Activities, Educational Mission, and Student Safety.

A campus-wide notice will be sent and messaging on social media and digital signage at the start of the semester. In partnership with Associated Students, Inc. an educational workshop and open forum will be hosted annually for students to review the Time, Place, and Manner Policy, student advocacy and safety. Additional programs on the policy for faculty/staff will be offered.

Resources for Mental Health & Trauma Support for Employees and Students

Resources for Students

Student Health, Counseling & Wellness Services (SHCWS): SHCWS staff are committed to continuing to provide exceptional service to our student community; this includes a variety of mental health and counseling options.

Appointment Scheduler

Department Phone Number: 916-278-6461

SHCWS Contacts

Sac State One Card

The back of the One Card has the phone numbers for immediate crisis response:

  • Sac State Police Department (916-278-6000)
  • Student Health, Counseling & Wellness Services (916-278-6461)
  • The National Suicide Prevention Hotline (988)
  • Crisis Text Line (text "HOME" to 741741).

Resources for Employees

Off-campus Resources

Recognized Student Organizations

The existing university Time, Place and Manner policy will continue to apply to union represented employees until the unions have completed bargaining. The Systemwide Time, Place and Manner policy will apply to all employees following the conclusion of bargaining.