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Seal of Excelencia

On October 1, 2020, the Seal of Excelencia was first awarded to California State University, Sacramento, for our commitment to accelerate Latinx student success in higher education. The Seal was awarded by Excelencia in Education, a national organization launched in 2004, focused to significantly increase the number of Latine students attaining college degrees by 2030. The Seal is also about an “unwavering commitment to intentionally serving [Latine] students, while serving all,” according to its mission statement. Excelencia in Education also conducts analysis to inform educational policies and practices.

The certification is for three years. California State University, Sacramento, applied for recertification and received the Seal again in 2023, as announced during the livestream of the announcement from Washington, DC on September 29, 2023. To date, only 39 institutions across the country have received this certification, only six others are CSUs, and only one other CSU has been recertified.


Congratulatory Letters

Seal Of Excelencia

Seal of Excelencia Campus Presentations