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University Staff Assembly

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University Staff Awards

The University Staff Assembly at Sacramento State proudly honors our dedicated staff members with Years of Service Awards. This year, we celebrate the remarkable contributions of those who have reached significant milestones in their careers.

Staff members who have completed 10, 15, and 20 years of service will be recognized with a commemorative pin, symbolizing their commitment and hard work. Additionally, those who have dedicated 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, and 50 years to our university will receive a special award acknowledging their exceptional dedication and long-standing service.

Join us in celebrating these outstanding individuals who have played a vital role in Sacramento State's success and growth. Their unwavering dedication and passion for their work inspire us all.

2024 USA Years of Service Awards Reception

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have not held this award event since 2019. We are excited to honor those who reached significant milestones in 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024. This celebration is a testament to our staff's resilience and unwavering dedication during challenging times.

We are honored to have the support of the President's office to celebrate over 600 awardees! Due to the number of awardees, USA will host two receptions serving light refreshments on December 16, 2024, in the University Ballroom. More details about the reception celebration time for your college, department, or division will be provided soon.

Save the Date!

2019 USA President Michael Hendren wear a tuxedo at the podiu
2019 USA Staff Awards | Michael Hendren, President

2020 -2024 Staff Years of Service Awardee List

We have compiled a list of eligible staff members for the Years of Service Awards based on information provided by HR. We kindly ask the campus community to review this list and confirm its accuracy. If you have any edits or notice anyone missing, please let us know by using this feedback link. Please submit your feedback by October 28th at 5 PM. Your assistance in ensuring the list is complete and accurate is greatly appreciated.

Staff Years of Service Awards Criteria

A list from the Human Resources and campus auxiliary is created according to the following criteria:

  • Continuous Employment: Only continuous years of service are counted.
  • Ineligible Groups: Faculty (Unit 3), student assistants, casual workers, and hourly-intermittent workers are not eligible.
  • Full-Time Employees: Years of service are calculated from the hire date to the year of the luncheon.
  • Part-Time Employees: Eligible if consistently working a regular schedule.
  • Hourly-Intermittent Employees: Not eligible due to irregular hours.
  • Breaks in Service: Original work time before a break is not counted if the break severed employment.
  • Retired Employees and Annuitants: Eligible if retired on or after their anniversary date and before December 31st. If retirement occurred after the awards luncheon, they will be included in the following year’s ceremony.
  • Faculty to Staff: Eligible if they became staff and meet the above rules. Years as faculty count towards total service.
  • Staff to Faculty: No longer eligible if they become faculty.