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Institutional Research Dashboards
The dashboards listed on this site are primarily based on data as of Census.
- Grades, GPA, degree conferrals are updated periodically to capture accurate student data.
- Employee demographics is based on Human Resources snapshot as of October 1st.
Displays the data of applicants and their distribution among colleges and departments. Also included is geographical data by California County for all applicants.
Admissions Funnel by District - Masked
Displays student applicant and enrollment data by high school and community college districts. Data is masked when the cohort size is < 10 on this site.
Includes the profile of all enrolled students and enrollment counts by college and department.
Capitol Insights at Sacramento State - Masked
Displays student applicant and enrollment data by elected representative districts. Data is further broken down by high school and community colleges. Data is masked when the cohort size is < 10 on this site.
Student Success - Masked
Explore Retention, Progression and Graduation rates by student characteristics. Data is masked when the cohort size is < 10 on this site.
Degrees Awarded
Degrees awarded by college, department, and major. Degree counts include Bachelor's, Master's, and Doctorate Degrees.
Faculty & Staff Demographics
Faculty and Staff demographic data by college and department.
Faculty Workload & Course Detail
These dashboards include data for class size, faculty teaching assignment, student course load, Full-Time Equivalent Students, Full-Time Equivalent Faculty and student-faculty ratio.
Survey Results & Multi-Year Data
Data Definitions & Glossary
For data definitions & glossary, click here