About Women in Stem Education (WISE) Affinity Group
About Women in STEM Education (WISE)
The mission of the Women in STEM Education (WISE) Affinity group is to increase the representation and promote the advancement of women faculty and staff in STEM.
- Networking and collaboration: Help women STEM faculty and staff to connect and collaborate through a dedicated network of institutional, regional, and provincial resources; and provide opportunities to disseminate and share information, resources, and best practices to improve diversity in the STEM fields.
- Open-access to all members: Promote and support equity by making events open-access. Share open opportunities for all women (independent of culture, religion, or circumstance) to engage in STEM activities.
Equal Opportunity and Excellence in Education and Employment
All University programs and activities are open and available to all regardless of race, sex, color, ethnicity or national origin.
Meeting Information
Virtual monthly meeting (via Zoom) on the third Friday at 4:00 pm.
How to Join
No membership dues. Please contact us via email at wise@csus.edu.