About Chicanx/Latinx Faculty and Staff Association
Chicanx/Latinx Faculty & Staff Association’s Mission
Our mission is to promote equity and inclusion and to improve the status of Chicanx/Latinxs at Sacramento State, within the CSU system, and in the broader community.
As the student enrollment becomes more diverse at the University (which is now an Hispanic Serving Institution), a diversified full-time faculty and staff becomes more important for several reasons: it brings new perspectives that inform the curriculum and educational environment; it provides a variety of perspectives in the classroom, enriches the academic experience of students, and maximizes the universe of knowledge; it prepares future professionals that are well-equipped to work and live constructively in an increasingly diverse society; and it helps improve the graduation and success rates of underrepresented minority students.
Chicanx/Latinx Faculty & Staff Association Website
Equal Opportunity and Excellence in Education and Employment
All University programs and activities are open and available to all regardless of race, sex, color, ethnicity or national origin.
Meeting Information
Meetings are held every third Friday of the month, from noon - 1 p.m.
How to Join CHLFSA
For more information on how to join, contact our membership officer, Catherine Mayorga (catherine.mayorga@csus.edu). For questions, please visit the Chicanx/Latinx Faculty and Staff Association Website.
Chicanx/Latinx Faculty and Staff Association
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Chicanx/Latinx Faculty and Staff Association