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About the AICP
During the 2020-21 academic year, nearly 80 students, faculty, and staff from across campus engaged in impactful dialogue regarding racism, exclusion, events on campus and visions of the type of campus Sacramento State can become. The result of this work is the Antiracism and Inclusive Campus Plan. We hope you will read, study, and engage with the content in this plan and the recommendations therein.
Defining Antiracism and Inclusion
Unabbreviated Antiracism & Inclusive Campus Plan
The creation of this plan was a collective effort that represents the voice, perspective, and lived experiences from individuals across the campus. Through acknowledging the various ways racism takes place, this process focused on seven areas led by seven corresponding Action Planning Groups:
- Mattering and Affirmation
- Cross-Racial and Inclusive Engagement
- Antiracism Learning and Literacy
- Antiracism Curriculum, Pedagogy, and Assessment
- Encounters with Racial Stress and Bias
- Institutional Commitment
- Impact of and on the Sacramento Region
The recommendations section developed by the seven Action Planning Groups lays out goals, objectives, and actions to create sustainble antiracist change on campus. With the completion of initial planning, Sacramento State now transitions to the next phase of the Antiracism and Inclusive Campus Plan process: community engagement and implementation. Implementing the plan will be a concerted effort with short and long-term goals. With the support of President Nelsen and the university Cabinet, the Division of Inclusive Excellence will continue to sponsor the immediate and ongoing execution of the plan. The ultimate implementation of this university plan is a collective cross-campus responsibility that also requires collective accountability to ensure its success.
Over the coming months, President Nelsen, the Cabinet, and other senior leaders will have the opportunity to review the plan, reflect on the opportunities for transformational change it presents, and begin to devise ways of how to move the work forward. In fall 2021 when students and faculty return to campus, we will opportunities to come together to discuss the plan, determine immediate and long-term goals, and implementation efforts will begin in earnest.
Updated 6/30/21

Initial Antiracism and Inclusive Campus Plan Framework
In the midst of a challenging 2020, Sacramento State recognized the need to commit to transformational change and create and implement an Antiracism and Inclusive Campus Plan. President Nelsen and the Cabinet developed a framework that allowed our campus to collectively draft its antiracism and inclusive campus plan, while also ensuring the plan addressed the various ways a truly antiracism and inclusive campus must engage and operate.
The original framework for the planning process was created through a structured collective process where individuals from across campus had the opportunity to provide input and feedback, and serve on planning groups. The framework identifies seven content areas and establishes a separate Action Planning Group for each.
Focused Time Circles
In October 2021, former interim Vice President for Inclusive Excellence, Melinda Wilson Ramey identify consultant, Jade Parker to conduct focused time circles from January-May of 2022.
What is a Focused Time Circle?
A Focused Time Circle is a mechanism to gather information from a broad spectrum of individuals on a specific topic. In our case, the focus was on the Antiracism and Inclusive Campus Plan. Thirty Focus Time Circles were offered, and information was gathered to further understand the campus next steps in implementing its plan.
Read the final Focus Time Circle Report