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Event Parking
UTAPS is here to help provide a welcoming environment for event attendees. Contact UTAPS during the initial event planning process for assistance. Consider planning your event during the following off-peak parking times:
- After 4:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday
- All Day, Friday through Sunday
- Finals Week
- Summer, Spring Recess, and Winter Intersession
- Academic Holidays
Purchase Event Parking
If you would like to pay the parking fees for your event attendees, UTAPS will issue a coupon code for you to distribute via email, event page, and other media. Your event attendees will redeem the coupon code at any parking permit machine for a daily permit. After the event, we'll invoice you based on the exact amount of coupon code redemptions. The event parking fee is $4 for each coupon code redemption. There is a 50 coupon code minimum for all event parking arrangements.
Request Event Parking
- Login to the Sac State Parking Portal.
- Click “Request Event Parking”.
- Submit the Event Parking Request form.
UTAPS will issue an event parking quote with payment instructions within one business day.
Bus Directions & Parking
Buses must drop off and pick up passengers on Stadium Way, between the Broad Field House and the Alumni Center or on State University Drive next to the Tschannen Science Complex. Buses are never allowed to park in nor utilize the SacRT Transit Center at the front of campus.
- Monday through Thursday: TBD, contact the UTAPS office.
- Friday through Sunday: Buses must park in Lot 9.
- Summer session: Buses must park in Lot 7.
Eastbound on Hwy-50
Westbound on Hwy-50
Buses may drop-off passengers on State University Drive next to the Ernest Tschannen Science Complex. After dropping off, continue straight on State University Drive, turn right on College Town Drive, turn left into Lot 10 at Stadium Drive and park in the dirt/gravel area of Lot 9. A parking permit is required.
Buses drop-off on Stadium Drive between the Broad Fieldhouse and Alumni Center. After dropping off, continue straight through the stop light into Lot 10 and park in the student (dirt/gravel) area of Lot 9. A parking permit is required.
For the most up-to-date information on bus parking, contact the UTAPS office at
Additional Resources
Parking Enforcement Officer: A parking enforcement officer($33/hour, three hour minimum) may be hired to cordon off parking spaces, greet visitors and allow access to a parking lot with the appropriate event parking permit.
Event Signage: All signs on campus need to be approved by Student Organizations and Leadership before they can be displayed and must adhere to the University Policy Manual posting requirements. More information about posting signs on campus can be found in the Student Organization and Leadership handbook. UTAPS does not create, provide or display signs on campus. Contact University Print for sign services.
Parking Permit Required: A valid Sac State parking permit is required of all vehicles parking on campus. Here are your options to obtain a pass.
- PaybyPhone
- Any yellow parking permit machine on campus.
- Online through the Sac State parking portal
- Activating a parking permit link if provided by a campus department.