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IRT Staff Recognition Awards

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IRT Staff Recognition Awards Criteria

Team IRT is an essential part of Sacramento State's success. The following award categories encompass the spectrum of IRT staff contributions - newbies, senior management, and specialty team players who are the glue of our divisional work.

How it Works

  • The award consideration timeframe is May 1, 2023 to April 30, 2024.
  • Check out the award criteria for each category. We've added fun Star Wars theming to get those nomination juices flowing!
  • You can choose to nominate a colleague for a single category, but we're encouraging you to vote for a colleague in every category.
  • As part of the nomination process, you'll need to provide examples to support your vote.
  • Make your vote count - the survey closes on May 31, 2024.

Cast Your Votes!

Outstanding New Hornet Award

Still learning the ways of the Hornet but already making a difference! The New Jedi Award recognizes a full-time professional in IRT who is leveling-up Team IRT even in a short timeframe.


  • Currently employed full-time within IRT for three years or less.
  • Demonstrates pride in their work and displays a positive attitude toward responsibilities and their colleagues.
  • Goes above and beyond in their role.
stars with a light saber graphic

Staff Professional Award

Seasoned mentor and inspiration for the Hornet alliance - the Obi-Wan Staff Professional Award is presented to an IRT staff member who continuously demonstrates pride in their work, maintains professionalism, and displays a positive and cooperative attitude toward responsibilities and people. They often go above and beyond in their role, and meets at least 6 of the 10 criteria specified below:


  1. Committed to the team: They give their time and energy to someone or something they believe in. There is no turning back and whatever the outcome, they support it 100%.
  2. Flexible: Nominee understands and manages situations by looking at them from different perspectives. Considers how it will benefit Sacramento State, the team, or their career rather than thinking, “Really, more work?”
  3. Engaged: Asks questions for clarity and understanding, and contributes where they can. They view collaboration as essential to the success of our team.
  4. Reliable and Responsible: Manages their time effectively, is always prepared for meetings, and can be trusted to work independently without constant supervision. Managers and teammates feel like they can rely on the nominee for help and support whenever needed.
  5. Active Listening: Respectfully considers the viewpoints and ideas of others.
  6. Transparency: Actively works to keep other team members informed.
  7. Helping Hand: Looks for opportunities to help their team members grow.
  8. Respectful: Always friendly, courteous, and considerate. Exhibits care and compassion when serving others. Values different ideas and perspectives, and treats others with dignity.
  9. Problem Solver: Demonstrates outstanding problem-solving and resolution skills.
  10. Open to feedback: Acknowledges if something goes wrong/isn't working and focuses on how to reach expectations moving forward.

star graphics with star wars themed elements

Outstanding Manager Award

There is no try, only succeed in how this leader guides their fleet to Hornet greatness. The Yoda Only Do Award recognizes an IRT manager who meets the following criteria:


  • Has served in an IRT MPP role for more than six months.
  • Is able to convey points and expectations clearly and concisely so each team member knows exactly how to proceed.
  • Understands how to mediate disagreements and resolve conflict in a way that makes everyone feel valued to keep tasks on track and morale at a peak.
  • Provides positive feedback to help employees understand what they did well while also identifying improvement opportunities.
  • Champions staff career advancement and positive reinforcement by giving staff credit for excellent performance and highlighting their achievements in staff meetings and annual reviews.
desert with planes flying in formation

DEI Award

An alliance builder and champion of DEI initiatives, the Galaxy Uniter Award acknowledges and celebrates the exemplary work of a team member to advance IRT diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives on campus and in the community. Their efforts are making positive impacts benefiting others!


  • Considers and proactively provides support for people’s needs, including accessibility needs.
  • Raises awareness about challenges and opportunities related to DEI, and works to raise awareness departmentally and institutionally.
  • Advocates for DEI practices, helps to develop appropriate DEI practices, resources, and tools, and mentors colleagues seeking to contribute to DEI efforts.
  • Raises awareness about challenges and opportunities related to DEI in the technology field and works to raise awareness departmentally and institutionally.
  • Build bridges to support awareness, understanding, empathy, and allyship with various diverse social backgrounds, cultures, and lived experiences.
  • Creates an environment where all staff feel supported to grow, participate, and develop as leaders.
  • Proactively support and promote the goals of Anti-Racism and Inclusive Campus Plan that aligns with IRT/technology.
planets in a row with starburst graphics

Outstanding Customer Service Award

The These ARE the Droids You're Looking For Award recognizes a staff member who works to make IRT procedures, services, facilities, programs, and/or the general Sacramento State environment a welcoming, efficient, and high-quality experience for faculty, staff, and students. Expert IRT influencer, negotiator, and problem solver, this person goes above and beyond to enhance the customer experience by:


  • Providing outstanding problem-solving and resolution skills.
  • Simplifying processes.
  • Demonstrating creativity and resourcefulness in assisting a diverse variety of customers through positive interactions.
  • Reducing/eliminating customer barriers by positively, effectively, and efficiently communicating and collaborating to understand and address the customer's needs.
  • Is regarded for their professionalism and willingness to create a positive, active, and inclusive campus community.
droid graphics and five white stars

Duct Tape Award

"Don't tell them the odds" - the Han Solo Duct Tape Award is presented to the IRT staff member who can fix anything!


  • Someone who goes above and beyond to help fix things and make things right.
  • They find solutions to problems, no matter what, and usually without complaint.
  • They're a "go to" for help and can be counted on for support and guidance.
photo of tools and a graphic of a millennium falcon space ship

Outstanding Team Award

The Outstanding Team Award is as advertised: dynamic, collaborative, and raising the Sac State experience one creative solution at a time - the force is strong with this group!


  • Collaboration and Teamwork: Excelled in working together collaboratively within their own team and with other teams to achieve their goals. This could include effective communication, sharing of knowledge and resources, and a positive team dynamic.
  • Customer Impact and Satisfaction: Made a tangible impact on customers or end-users through their work. This could include improving customer satisfaction, delivering projects on time and within budget, and exceeding customer expectations.
  • Positive Impact on Sac State Culture: Contributed to fostering a positive and inclusive culture. This could include promoting diversity and inclusion, supporting employee growth and development, and fostering a sense of camaraderie and teamwork across the organization.
  • Innovation and Creativity: Demonstrated exceptional creativity and innovation in their projects or solutions. This could include the development of new technologies, processes, or approaches that have had a significant impact on the organization.
  • Problem Solving and Adaptability: Demonstrated strong problem-solving skills and the ability to adapt to changing circumstances or challenges. This could involve overcoming obstacles, finding creative solutions to complex problems, and effectively managing unexpected changes.
photo of tools and a graphic of a millennium falcon space ship