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Academic Research Technologies

Academic research made more powerful through qualitative, analytical, and surveying software tools.


EndNote automates the process of creating and managing citations, references, and bibliographies. Drag and drop ease to organize references in a clear and concise manner. Save time by creating a citation library, and insert references into research papers in a few clicks. Students, faculty and staff have access to download and install EndNote. Partner with our Academic Technology Services for a consultation and support, or check in with the Sac State Library staff.

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NVivo is ideal for qualitative research, and helps you to organize, analyze and find insights within unstructured or qualitative data such as:

  • Interviews
  • Open-ended survey responses
  • Journal articles
  • Social media
  • Web content

NVivo Resources


Qualtrics is an online survey tool which is available to support research, instruction, and administration. Qualtrics combines ease of use with an advanced set of features and is designed to permit the creation of survey instruments, distribution of surveys, data storage and analysis.

TIDE Project

The Technology Infrastructure for Data Exploration (TIDE) project seeks to enhance research capabilities in artificial intelligence and machine learning across the 23 CSU campuses. TIDE, part of the National Research Platform Nautilus hyper-cluster, provides high-performance computing resources including 18 GPU nodes and 6 CPU nodes, to accelerate data-intensive research. The project also offers a managed JupyterHub instance with several pre-built software containers with many common packages common to artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data science.

TIDE serves as a hub for cutting-edge research, collaboration, and skill development, benefiting both students and faculty.