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My Sac State Grading Resources

Faculty grading time? Whether you process your student's grades manually or via export from Canvas to My Sac State, here are helpful step-by-step resources for either method.

Grading Timelines

Beginning finals week, Faculty can enter grades in the Faculty Center in My Sac State.

Manually Entering Grades

If you prefer to manually select grades in the Faculty Center on My Sac State (without exporting from Canvas), the following Knowledge Base article and video covers how to assign, approve, and manage student grades in the Grade Roster:

Manually Entering Grades Knowlegde Base Article & Video

Canvas Process for Importing Grades

A benefit to grading in Canvas throughout the semester is using the "percentage to letter grade" feature. The tutorial linked below covers how to import to the Faculty Center:

Canvas to My Sac State Grading Process

Get Support

Please make sure that the current semester is selected (My Sac State Grade Roster Video Tutorial). If the course is still not visible in Faculty Center:

  • First try contacting your department to check in CMS if you are the main faculty of record to enter grades.
  • Then contact the Registrar's Office: (916) 278-1000 Option 4,

If you're needing support or consultation about Canvas or the process of entering final grades in Faculty Center, let's connect!

Contact IRT Academic Technology Services