Support Page Content
Canvas For Students
As Sacramento State's official Learning Management System (LMS), Canvas supports learning wherever you are! It's cloud-based, mobile-optimized, and allows you to access your coursework, submit assignments, and interact with your classmates and instructors whether on- or off-campus.
Get Started
Setup your Account
Canvas can be conveniently accessed and used on desktop/laptop, tablets/iPads, and mobile devices.
- Visit and login with your Sac State credentials or through My Sac State.
- Download the Canvas mobile app: iOS or Android.
- Review the Canvas Quick-Start Guide.
Canvas & Zoom
Canvas also integrates with Zoom so you can attend virtual class sessions, or host study groups. A Sac State Zoom account isn't required to participate - you'll just need one of the following:
- Through the Zoom tool in Canvas
- You receive a Canvas notification/announcement
- Your instructor emails you a Zoom link.
How-To's & Resources
Student Technology Resources (STR)
For specific skills help, bookmark the Student Technology Resources (STR). This anytime online resource covers Canvas as well as the variety of online learning tools you're using for coursework such as Camtasia, Microsoft 365 tools, Respondus Lockdown Browser, Turnitin, Zoom, and more! We continue to grow this resource for you, so if there's a topic we haven't covered yet, let us know!

Course Evaluations through Canvas
Each semester, you can submit course evaluations either on paper form or online through Canvas.
Fall 2024 course evaluations are accepted from November 18 through the end of the day on December 6, 2024.