Michael G. Vann's Publications

- “Of le Cafard and Other Tropical Diseases: Perceived Threats to White Colonial Culture in Indochina” in Jennifer Yee (ed.), France and ‘Indochina:’ Cultural Representations (Lexington, 2005)
- “‘All the World’s a Stage’, Especially in the Colonies: The Hanoi Exposition of 1902” in Martin Evans & Amanda Sackur (ed.), Empire and Culture: The French Experience, 1830-1940 (Macmillan/Palgrave Press, 2004)
- “Of Rats, Rice, and Race: The Great Hanoi Rat Massacre, an Episode in French Colonial History,” French Colonial History Society, May, 2003
- “The Good, the Bad, and The Ugly: Variation and Difference in French Racial Thinking in Colonial Vietnam” in Tyler Stovall & Sue Peabody (ed.), The Color of Liberty: The History of Race in France (Duke University Press, 2003)
- “The Colonial Casbah on the Silver Screen: Using Pépé le Moko and The Battle of Algiers to Teach Colonialism, Race, and Globalization in French History,” Radical History Review, April, 2002
- “The Good, the Bad, and The Ugly: Variation and Difference in French Racial Thinking in Colonial Indochine,” Proceedings of the Western Society for French History, 1998, Winner of the Gargan Prize
- “Contesting Culture and Defying Dependency: Migration, Nationalism, and Identity in Late-Nineteenth-Century Hawaii,” Stanford Humanities Review, v. 5, n. 2, 1997
- Review of Amaury Lorin, Paul Doumer, gouveneur general de l’Indochine (1897-1902), le tremplin colonial. H-France
- “Reflections on ‘Drowning by Bullets’: Empire, Race, and Memory in French History,” French Colonial History Society Newsletter September, 2004
- “Conference Report on 'Indochina', India and France: Cultural Representations,” French Studies Bulletin, 2004
- Review of Brett Berliner, Ambivalent Desire for H-France, 2003
- Review of David Slavin, Colonial Cinema and Imperial France, 1919-1939, The Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History, v. 4, n. 1, 2003
- Review of Nicola Cooper, France in Indochina: Colonial Encounters. H-France, 2002

Published Interviews:
2004 “The Third Republic and Colonialism, 1870-1918”
2004 “The Colonial Exhibition of May, 1931”
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