Michael G. Vann's Presentations:

Academic Papers
- May, 2006 “Punishment as a Pageant of Power: The Pedagogical Execution in Colonial Indochine,” French Colonial Historical Society, Université Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar, Senegal
- January, 2006 “Hanoi in the Time of Cholera: Epidemic Disease and Racial Power in the Colonial City,” History of Medicine in Southeast Asia, Siem Reap, Cambodia
- May, 2005 “Frantz Fanon: Colonial Theorist or Colonial History?: Introducing Frantz Fanon: Black Skin, White Mask,” French Colonial Historical Society, Wolfsville, Nova Scotia, Canada
- May, 2005 “French Indochina,” Panel Commentator, French Colonial Historical Society, Wolfsville, Nova Scotia, Canada
- April, 2005 ”Building a White City on the Red River: Race in French Colonial Urban Planning in Hanoi,” Society for French Historical Studies, Stanford
- May, 2004 “Reflections on a Colonial Massacre in Paris, October 17, 1961: Introducing Drowning by Bullets,” French Colonial Historical Society, Washington, D.C.
- May, 2004 “Tonkin History,” Panel Chair & Commentator, French Colonial Historical Society, Washington, D.C.
- April, 2004 “The White Colony,” Panel Chair, Discontents of French Civilization, Berkeley, California
- October, 2003 “Race Relations and Racial Formations in Colonial Indochina,” Commentator, Western Society for French History, Newport Beach, California
- September, 2003 “Of Le Cafard and Other Risques Coloniaux: The Perceived Threat of Tropical Disease and the White Colonial Culture in Indochine,” “Indochina,” India and France: Cultural Representations, Newcastle, U.K.
- March, 2003 “Reflections on the Theory and Practice of Race in the French Colonial Empire,” Race Across Time in France: The Genealogy of a Concept, University of California, Berkeley
- January, 2003 “Serving Whiteness: Racialized Domestic Service in the French Colonial World,” American History Association, Chicago, Illinois
- October, 2002 “Doumer’s Delusions of Grandeur: Race, Power, and Culture in the Creation of Hanoi as a French Imperial Capital,” Western Society for French History, Baltimore, Maryland
- May, 2002 “Rats, Rice, and History: The Great Hanoi Rat Hunt of 1902,” French Colonial Historical Society, New Haven, Connecticut
- May, 2002 Panel Commentator, French Colonial Historical Society, New Haven, Connecticut
- April, 2002 “French Colonial Tourism in Indochina,” Commentator, French Historical Society, Toronto, Canada
- November, 2001 “Leisure, Power, Film, and French Indochina,” Commentator, Western Society for French History, Indianapolis, Indiana
- November, 1999 “Brawl in the Family: The Inherent Dysfucntionality of Colonial Republicanism as seen in the History of the Hanoi Municipal Council,” Western Society for French History, Monterey, California
- August, 1999 “Fear and Loathing in the Tropics: The Violence of Everyday Life in Colonial Vietnam,” American Historical Association – Pacific Branch, Ka’anapali, Maui
- June, 1999 “How Ya’ Gonna Keep them Down on the Rice Field Once They’ve Seen Paris?: The Post World War One Crisis of Returning Native Soldiers and Laborers to Colonial Indochine,” French Colonial Historical Society, New Orleans
- May, 1998 “Domesticating the Natives: Servants in Colonial Indochine,” French Colonial Historical Society, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California
- May, 1998 “Domesticating the Natives: Servants in Colonial Indochine,” Modernities' Histories in Global Perspective: Colonialism, Memory and Modernity Conference/Workshop, University of California, Santa Cruz
- October, 1997 “The Good, the Bad, and The Ugly: Variation and Difference in French Racial Thinking in Colonial Indochine,” Western Society for French History, Saskatoon, Canada
- September, 1997 “‘All the World’s a Stage’, Especially in the Colonies: The Hanoi Exposition of 1902,” Conference on Propaganda and Empire: French Popular Imperialism, Institut Français, London
- January, 1997 “The Birth, Life, and Death of French Hanoi,” American Historical Association, New York
- November, 1996 “Longing and Belonging: The French Identification with Hanoi, 1918-1939,” American Anthropological Association, San Francisco
- April, 1994 “Contesting Culture and Defying Dependency: Hawaiian Nationalist and Haole Anti-Nationalist Discourse in the 1880's,” Conference on Revisioning Culture: Transforming Academic Theory and Practice, University of California, Santa Cruz

- February, 2006 “Introducing Southeast Asian History and Geography,” California Agricultural Leadership Program, UC Davis
- April, 2000 “To Live and Die in Hanoi: Health, Disease, and Death in the Colonial City,” workshop presentation, French Culture and History Workshop, Stanford University
- April, 1998 “The Culture of Whiteness in French Hanoi,” presentation at the UCSC History Department colloquium

Public Talks
- May, 2006 " When Post-Colonialism is Not Funny: Identity and Empire in the Cartoons of the Prophet Controversy," Arts & Letters Faculty Colloquium, Sac. State
- November, 2005 "Why is Paris Burning: Understanding the French Suburban Riots," Sac. State
- March, 2005 "The Tsunami Disaster in Indonesia," Concerned Surfers of Santa Cruz Diaster Relief Fund Raiser, Rio Theater, Santa Cruz
- October, 2002 "The Bali Bombing: Terrorism in Indonesia and Muslim Southeast Asia, Radio Interview, "Talk of the Bay," KUSP (Santa Cruz NPR Affiliate)
- March, 2001 “Teaching the French Colonial Period of Vietnamese History,” “Roundtable: Rethinking French Colonial History,” Society for French Historical Studies, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
- June, 2000 “The American Colonization of Hawaii,” guest lecture, Stevenson College Core Course, University of California, Santa Cruz
- May, 2000 “Gender in the Colonial World,” guest lecture, University of California, Santa Cruz
- December, 1999 “The People and Cultures of Southeast Asia,” guest lecture, Mission Hill Middle School, Santa Cruz
- February, 1999 “The Yellow Peril and Other French Racial Fears,” guest lecture, University of California, Davis

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