Russ Tatro Pix       N427AT Over Lake Tahoe 011_01_18.jpg       CAP Flight Crew

Russ Tatro
California State University Sacramento
Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department
6000 J Street
Sacramento, CA 95819-6019

Office: Riverside Hall 5030
Phone: (916) 278-4878

Mr. Tatro joined Sac State as a lecturer with a concentration in optoengineering in 2001. His most recent research acitivites has been in Smart Technologies including a Building-to-Grid (B2G) project with UC Berkeley during the 2009/2010 academic year. He has led many undergraduate senior design teams in developing power electronics, optical sensors, photovoltaic systems, HVAC control systems, and biomedical sensors. He is among the four member team that restarted biomedical course offerings at Sac State in 2008 including his sensors and bio-instrumentation course. Mr. Tatro developed a hands-on freshman level introduction to engineering (Engr 1A). The course highlights all the engineering disciplines in the CSUS College of Engineering and Computer Science. With the assistance of industry partners, the course has included a laboratory where freshmen can explore common activities in a particular engineering field. College level assessment that is following the students who participated in the introductory course indicates that the vast majority of these freshmen sstudents continue on their engineering major. Mr. Tatro’s prior experience was in aerospace system development with the US Air Force as both a navigator in B-52 and RC-135 aircraft and as a special project officer for reconnaissance system procurement.

Educational History

BA, Psychology with Business minor, University of North Carolina, 1975
BS, EEE, CSU Sacramento, 1992
MS, EEE, CSU Sacramento, 2000

Professional Experience

Lecturer, Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department, CSU Sacramento
Teacher, honors physics, San Juan School District
Medical database and billing software consultant
Owner, Riverpark Video, Sacramento, California
Technician, High Resolution Electron Microscopy (HREM) lab, Physics Department, Arizona State University
Reconnaissance Crew Commander, 24th Strategic Recon Squadron (SAC), Eielson Air Force Base, Fairbanks, Alaska
Flight Test Crew, Special project liaison officer with military contractor E-Systems, Greenville, Texas
Standardization and Evaluation crewmember, B-52 aircraft, Wurtsmith AFB, Michigan
Restaurant Manager, Stouffer Corp, Saratoga Springs, New York


My grandparents homestead sod house - Bridgeport Nebraska - 1909.

My grandfather is John R Mitchell sitting next to the empty seat with my grandmother Mary Etta (Weaver) behind him tending to my aunt Inez (Hall).