Latin 1B
California State University, Sacramento

Course Description

1B. Elementary Latin. A continuation of Latin 1A; emphasis is on longer and more difficult reading selections. Roman cultural contributions to western civilization will be emphasized.

Prerequisite: Latin 1A or equivalent; or permission of the instructor. 4 units.
[4] credits



Workbooks for ECCE ROMANI I and II
As you remember from Latin 1A, this is a difficult class, one which you must attend every day. You cannot start studying one day before the exam and hope to impress the instructor and pass the class.

Tests: There will be frequent quizzes (almost every chapter) and a final exam. The quizzes are all announced and there are no makeups. Part of any quiz may be take-home. The quizzes and exams count 50% of your grade.

Homework: I assign written homework each day. I collect each day's assignment the next class day. You get one point each day for doing the assignment for that day, for a total of about 40 points per semester. 36-40 points = A; 31-35 points = B; 26-30 = C; 21-25 points = D. Homework will be 40% of your grade.

Workbook: Do three exercises per Chapter in the Workbook. I will collect the Workbooks once per week, and you get one point per Chapter for doing the exercises, total 21 points. The Workbook is 10% of your grade.

Attendance: As you see from the previous paragraph, tests, homework, and Workbook constitute 100% of your grade. I do not count attendance apart from the homework. But you will not succeed without attending class.

Homework: [Workbook] You must do three exercises in the Workbook for each Chapter; you pick the three. For example, the Workbook for Chapter 22 contains 6 exercises (22a-22f). You choose three to complete. (Occasionally I will assign a particular exercise from the Workbook, as for example in Chapter 22, where I assign 22c and 22d; these will count as two of the three.) I take up the Workbooks every Tuesday (usually) and return them on Wednesday. [Text] I take up homework assigned from the textbook, but I do not grade it. I simply want to make sure that everyone understands the material in each chapter well enough to be able to continue with the next chapter. In fact we will usually go over all the homework in detail in class. If for some reason you do not finish your homework for the day, do not skip class, because if you do you will then miss the explanations of the day's work and the drill, and you will be even further behind than you were before. Instead, complete the homework by the next class period. [Computer] For Latin drill programs, including some for Ecce Romani specifically, see Much Latin material is available on the web; search "Ecce Romani". For a web site written entirely in Latin, including a long contribution by me, see

Objectives: in Latin 1B we will finish Ecce Romani I (Lessons 19 and following) and we will begin Ecce Romani II. During the semester we will cover all the remaining tenses of the verb, the passive voice, adjective declensions, and relative and demonstrative pronouns. We will finish lesson 35 (approximately) of Ecce Romani II by the end of the semester.

Why Take This Course? Why Take Latin?

  • You will greatly improve your knowledge of Latin.
  • You will learn more about Roman culture.
  • You will learn several new songs.


You must have taken Latin 1A at CSUS or the equivalent at another university. One year of high school study might be equivalent. Consult the instructor if you are in doubt.

I recommend that you have a SacLink account for electronic mail and Internet services. Although a home computer with a high speed modem running a web browser would be beneficial, students can use the Web from one of the campus student labs.


Successful Student Characteristics

Discipline to complete projects by deadlines; motivation to study, write, and participate fully in class activities; and time to devote approximately 10 hours a week to a 4-credit course. If you are taking 20+ units and are trying "to fit this class in," forget it. Take an easier class.


  • Web page =
    e-mail =

  • Week-by Week program; the semester has 15 weeks, 4 class sessions during most weeks. State furlough days may change this schedule:
    Week 1 - Latin1B begins Jan. 25, 2010: Review of Latin 1A. Begin Chapter 19 (perfect tense).

    Week 2 - Feb. 1: Chapter 19. Begin Chapter 20 (perfect tense - cont.); Quiz on Chapters 19-20.

    Week 3 - Feb. 8: Begin Chapter 21 (perfect tense - cont.). Review IV.

    Week 4 - Feb. 15 (a furlough day; campus is closed); major test on Review IV. Begin Chapter 22 (dative case).

    Week 5 - Feb. 22: Chapter 22; quiz on 22. Begin Chapter 23 (future tense).

    Week 6 - Mar. 1: Chapter 23; quiz on 23. Begin Chapter 24 (pluperfect and future perfect tenses).

    Week 7 - March 8: Review V; major quiz on V. Begin Chapter 25 (4th and 5th declensions).

    Week 8 - March 15: Short quiz on Chapter 25; Chapter 26 (hic/ille).

    Week 9 - March 22: Chapter 26; quiz on Chapter 26; begin Chapter 27 and Review VI. Quiz on Review VI.

    Week 10 - March 29-April 2 - Spring break, campus closed.

    Week 11 - April 5 - Begin Ecce Romani II with Chapter 28 (relative pronouns). Chapter 29 (relative pronouns).

    Week 12 - April 12: Quiz on Chapters 28-29; begin Chapter 30.

    Week 13 - April 19: Chapter 30 (passive voice); begin Chapter 31; quiz on Chapters 30-31 together.

    Week 14 - April 26: Chapter 32 (perfect passive); quiz on Chapter 32.

    Week 15 - May 3: Chapter 33. Review VII. Quiz on Review VII.

    Week 16 - May 10: (last week of classes). Chapter 34 (adjective comparison); we will also do a little in Chapter 35.

    Final exam: Wed. May 19, 12:45-2:30, subject to change.

    Page updated: 1-21-10