You are part of a team of explorers from a unique planetary system called Esa-ba-tad. The beings from Esa-ba-tad, called Menehunes, are fond of Earth and wish to relocate in a setting that suits their lifestyle.

Your courageous team of jaunty researchers has been selected for the special purpose of locating a suitable place on the continent of Africa as a potential settlement for your fellow Menehunes back home. You are uniquely qualified for this mission because of your gift for quickly organizing and interpreting data that otherwise may be confusing to ordinary Menehunes, especially young ones. Below are the conditions that must be met as closely as possible.


The Conditions:

Is there a place in Africa where New Esa-ba-tad can be formed?  Form groups and search the database provided to justify settlement of the new colony.  Then, use these links,  Africa and Art and Life in Africa Online, to match your database search results against current information on the Internet.  Search the data base until you locate the best possible place for these brave Menehune colonists. Prepare a brief report that presents your recommendations to the Menehune leaders back home.


The Oracle Factor:

One final note: The Menehune researchers have the uncanny ability to generate insightful questions that filter data so that the most meaningful information might be gained. They are fortunate to have an Oracle with them who may answer their queries. Unfortunately, the Oracle is rather bad-tempered due to time-warp sickness and will only entertain two such inquiries. The Oracle may speak metaphorically. Ask carefully and your task may be simplified by the elimination of many African countries that clearly do not fit the possibilities.