Searching the AppleWorks Database

Matching Records in AppleWorks database

Here’s the picture:

The trick is to begin with AND or OR and follow with a string that is nested in the parentheses. You need to type the AND or OR operator in manually. After entering the boolean operator followed by the opening parenthesis, doubleclick on the field you want from the left window. I chose the # Legs field. You’ll notice that when you do this, the single quotation mark surrounds your selected field. Following this, enter the equal sign (or some other operator). Next, you need to enter double quotation marks and then manually enter your criteria. I entered “4” and enclosed that number in double quotation marks. To tell AppleWorks that you’re ready to enter the next field, you enter a comma. Then, proceed as I have shown in the example. In summary, the essential elements for a two record match appear below.


Using the Dinosaur database, you can see that I want to match records that show all 4 legged, land-dwelling dinosaurs with claws. Does is seem like that creature doesn’t exist? Well, the database tells me that one, indeed, does. It’s called the Protocerato.

Using Find with AND or OR conditions.

Finding: All records containing specific criteria

Finding: All records with one or the other criteria

At this point, click on "Find" and you'll find African countries with less than 15 million in people AND with French as one of the principle languages OR coffee as an export.

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