August 16, 2001   (Posted on August 16, 2001 @ 1951 hrs..  Bookmark this link for further reference.  Refresh regularly.)

7:00 Arrival and greetings (Time for bantering)

7:15 Check-in

7:25 - 8: 25 Group Discussions

You have read the links to research presented on the "Think Inductively" web.  Tonight you will discuss four assumptions related to the information processing family of models that will be discussed when you read Joyce and Weil. 

Below are the four groups for the evening with assigned roles below selected names. Discussions will be held in rooms indicated, but may be moved to the offices of the facilitators.   Facilitators will need to make sure there are taskmasters, timekeepers and recorders for the groups.  Recorders, you may click on the links to the Phorum below.  The links will take you to each thread created for the posting of specific group summaries.

Refer to last night's agenda for images of the iMET Cubes.

Students Groups and Discussion Points
Debra Crane - Facilitator

Mike Peebles

Bonnie Drumwright

Phyllis Berry

Linda Ferguson

Lori Jarvis

Jane Harrington

Group 1: Oak Room

"Old fencing masters used to tell their students that you grip the sword as you would hold a sparrow.  If you hold it too tightly, it cannot breathe.  If you hold it too loosely, it will fly away." (Joyce & Weil, 2000)

  • Discuss the above quote in light of the support it lends to Hilda Taba's Inductive Model. 
  • Suggest specific situations where Taba's strategies may work within specific teaching units.  
  • Create a hypothetical scenario where a teacher uses Taba's Concept Formation strategy within a lesson.
  • Summarize the findings of the group and post to the Phorum.  
Dan Leonard - Facilitator

Dave Putney

Mike "Vito" Troiano

Jan Valine

Kathryn Odell

Vickie Miller


Group 2: Birch Room

"... reasonable people argue that if we teach the sciences inductively, we will lose coverage of the subjects ..." (pg 124)

  • Discuss the above quote as it may pertain to Hilda Taba's Inductive Model. 
  • Suggest specific situations where Taba's strategies may work within science teaching units.  
  • Create a hypothetical scenario where a teacher uses Taba's Concept Formation strategy within a lesson.
  • Summarize the findings of the group and post to the Phorum.  


Marge Shasberger - Facilitator

Dan Grattan

John Dunn

Mike Yee

Ann Sperske

Margaret Martell

Richard Howe

Group 3: Red Room

"The skills of reading, the study of values, the analytic tools of scholars, and the nurture of intuition are compatible, and we can and should teach them simultaneously." (pg 124)

  • Discuss the above quote as it may pertain to information processing strategies.
  • Suggest specific situations where Taba's strategies may enable curricular content to be taught within the context of problem solving. 
  • Create a hypothetical scenario where a teacher uses Taba's Concept Formation strategy within a lesson.
  • Summarize the findings of the group and post to the Phorum.  


Darren Fix- Facilitator

Sonja Bertolucci 

Roger Cramer

Tim Johnson

Dave Bayne

Heather Hoffman



Group 4: Blue Room

"To succeed, we need to infuse the curriculum with intellectual activity so that learning to think is an important component of every activity." (pg 124)

  • Discuss the above quote as it may pertain to Hilda Taba's three strategies.
  • Suggest specific situations where Taba's strategies might be used across the curriculum or in a staff development context.
  • Create a hypothetical scenario where a teacher or mentor demonstrates Taba's strategies within a lesson or unit.
  • Summarize the findings of the group and post to the Phorum


8:25 - 8:45 Phorum Postings and Break

8:45 - 9:30 Responding to postings

Read the postings for each group.  Individually, in at least a paragraph, reply thoughtfully to the posting of at least one other group.

9:30 Wrap-up comments.