Wednesday, August 15, 2001 (posted: 8/12/01 @ 2200 hrs.) 

7:00 Arrival and greetings (Time for bantering)

7:15 Check-in

7:25 Assignments for the evening (Bookmark this page for quick reference.  Be sure you hit "Refresh" or "Reload" often.)

Note: By right-clicking the images here (PC) or by clicking and holding (Mac) you can view the image on a separate page in your browser.  That page will also show you the URL for your 32 pixel image.  You can use this URL information to attach an icon to your name in Tapped In. 

Click here for the Hot Seat instructions.

Students Roles and Meeting Rooms Images for Tapped In Icons
Phyllis Berry Facilitator (Yellow Room)
Dave Putney     
Mike "Vito" Troiano Howard Gardner
Dan Grattan     
John Dunn     
Jane Harrington     


Students Roles and Meeting Rooms Images for Tapped In Icons
Heather Hoffman Facilitator (Red Room)
Jan Valine     
Lori Jarvis Howard Gardner
Dave Bayne     
Tim Johnson     
Richard Howe     
Darren Fix     


Students Roles and Meeting Rooms Images for Tapped In Icons
Roger Cramer Facilitator (Blue Room)
Mike Peebles     
Dan Leonard Howard Gardner
Mike Yee     
Vickie Miller     
Kathryn Odell     
Bonnie Drumwright     


Students Roles and Meeting Rooms Images for Tapped In Icons
Sonja Bertolucci Facilitator (Green Room)
Margaret Martell     
Marge Shasberger Howard Gardner
Ann Sperske     
Debra Crane       
Linda Ferguson    
The Hot Seat Tasks
  1. You've read the article on "An Internet Based Multiple Intelligences Model
    for Teaching High School History"
    (PDF) (HTML) by D. Antonio Cantu.  Now it's time to question Howard Gardner.
  2. 7:30 to 8:15 Questions for the virtual Howard Gardners.
  3. 8:15 to 8:30  Break time
  4. 8:30 to 9:00  Reporting in BruceM's main office (iMET Suites).  Just type /join brucem if you're lost in the etherware.

Back to top.

9:00 Wrap up!

Tomorrow's Agenda

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