March 18, 2000

Submitting your WebQuest:

Here's how you catch up on this projectt.

  1. Check the assignment. You want to make sure you have completed the WebQuest assignment in the appropriate manner. Look over the iMET WebQuest Page.
  2. Check with Bernie Dodge's Fine Points of WebQuests page.
  3. Upload using the WebQuest Submission form.
  4. You'll get a confirmation notice when you do this. Send this to the Amigos along with your URLs.

Reflecting Scaffold

After what appeared to be a successful session in TI last Thursday, you should feel comfortabe with the Reflection_Scaffold.doc. This Word document provides you with a scaffold for your four reflections as you refine selected portfolio artifacts and place them in the Content section of your portfolio. You'll need to use this format at least once. You may elect to modify the format or devise another format that addresses the established review criteria.

The Reflection_Scaffold document is only meant to be a support tool that gets you started on the reviewing, reflecting, revising process. It leaves room for your decisions as to how you might adjust to this process. That's what a scaffold is. You use it when you need it. However, many of you seemed to collect some highly relevant feedback to enable reflection in the last TI session, and the Reflection Scaffold may just be the tool you need to keep this process alive through the remaining artifact revisions.

There is quite a bit of literature on the subject of reflecting and composing. If you are interested in a review of the literature on Scaffolding Graduate Student Portfolios, I've placed a pdf of that review on the server.

For your Phorum assignment for this week, you don't actually need to use the Phorum.

  1. Use the Reflection_Scaffold tool and follow the directions on the document.
  2. Select an artifact that you would like to place in the Content section of your Presentation Portfolio.
  3. When you've completed the peer review portion of the form, rename the document and attach it to one of the Amigos. We'll give you feedback as well and return the form. You'll then have all the feedback you need to complete your review and reflections. If you have time, choose another artifact for review and reflection.

Beanie takes you back to DDD Assignments