Halbrook Professor and Department
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Halbrook, B, & Ginsberg, R. (1996) Ethnographic countertransference in qualitative research: A guide for mental health practitioners. Journal of Mental Health Counseling,19, (1), 87-93. Halbrook, B. (1996) Romance addiction and sexual compulsion: A Jungian perspective.(1996) Georgia Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 4, (1), 41-48. Halbrook, B. (1997). Women who abuse drugs: An overview . The Journal for the Professional Counselor, 12, (2),35 -44. Halbrook, B. (1995). Integrating contemplative psychotherapy and counseling: Combining East and West. Texas Counseling Association Journal, 23,(1), 21-27. Wadsworth, R., Spampneto, A., and Halbrook, B (1995). The role of sexual trauma in the treatment of chemically dependent women: Addressing the relapse issue. Journal of Counseling and Development,73 (4), 401-406. Fox, C., Halbrook, B. (1994). Terminating relationships at midlife: A qualitative investigation of low-income women' s experiences. Journal of Mental Health Counseling,16(1), 143-154. Halbrook, B., Duplechin, R. (1994). Rethinking touch in psychotherapy: Guidelines for practitioners. Psychotherapy in Private Practice, 13 (31), 46-54. Halbrook, B., & Friedman, L. (1993). Lesbians: working it out. Alabama Association for Counseling and Development Journal, 19(1), 45-52. Halbrook, B., Teddlie, C., & Williams, G. (1992). Dimensions of client self-disclosure and their impact on the counseling process. Louisiana Educational Research Journal, 17(2), 109-121. Halbrook, B., Wadsworth, R. (1992). Father, grief, and the "new male": A guide for female therapists. Louisiana Association of Counseling and Development, 3(2), 35-42. Halbrook, B. (1992). Toward a conscious femininity: Jungian perspectives. Journal of Adult Development, Special Issue, 69-74. Ballard, M., Halbrook, B. (1992). Death anxiety in young adulthood: Ineffective ways of coping with the terror and the dread. Journal of Adult Development, Special Issue, 16-22. Halbrook, B. (Fall, 199l). Adolescent children of alcoholics. Louisiana Association for Counseling and Development Journal, 2(1), 45-50. Halbrook, B. (Fall, 1991). A support group for HIV+ women: What counselors should know. Kentucky Association for Counseling and Development Journal, 10(1), 20-33. Halbrook, B. (Spring, 1991). Working with the new male: A guide for female therapists. Journal of Young Adulthood and Middle Age, 3, 194-200. Halbrook, B. (Winter, 1990). When the counselor is pregnant. Louisiana Association of Counseling and Development Journal, 1,(3), 28-33. Mathews, B., Oaks, J. (1990). Adult children of alcoholics on college campuses: A group approach to intervention. Health Values, 14,(1), 9-15. Mathews, B., Halbrook, M. (Spring, 1990). Adult children of alcoholics: Implications for career development. Journal of Career Development, 16(4), 261-268. Mathews, B. (Spring, 1990). Developmental crisis: The transition to parenthood. Journal of Adult Development and Aging, 2(1), 65-72. Friedman, L, Halbrook, B. (1990). Coming out of the closet: Techniques for working with lesbian clients. New York State Association for Counseling and Development Journal, 5(2), 33-40. Mathews, B., & Leonard, P. (September, 1989). Counseling midlife women. Arizona Counseling Journal,14(1), 28-34. Mathews, B. (Fall, 1989). The use of therapist self-disclosure and its potential impact on the therapeutic process. Journal of Human Behavior and Learning,6(2), 25-27. Mathews, B., & Bowes, J. (Summer, 1989). A training model of group therapy with an HIV-seropositive population. Aids and Public Policy Journal, 4(1), 51-55. Mathews, B. (Summer, 1989). Terminating therapy: Implications for the private practitioner. Psychotherapy in Private Practice, 7(3), 29-39. Mathews, B. & Robinson, L. (Spring, 1989). Young adults and AIDS: A support group for HIV-positive women. Monograph: Young Adult and Middle Age, 1(1), 44-51. Robertson, D., & Mathews, B. (March, 1989). Preventing adolescent suicide with group counseling. Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 14(1), 34-39. Mathews, B., & Paradise, L. (October, 1988). Toward methodological diversity: Qualitative research approaches. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 10(4), 225-234. Mathews, B. (October, 1988). The role of therapist self disclosure in psychotherapy: A survey of therapists. American Journal of Psychotherapy,42(4), 521-531. Mathews, B., Teddlie, C., & Williams, G. (Spring, 1988). Training counselors in the use of self-disclosure: A survey of Louisiana graduate counseling programs. Louisiana Education Research Journal, 13(2), 42-49. Mathews, B. (Spring, 1988). Therapist self-disclosure: Implications for counselor education and supervision. Maryland Association of Counseling and Development Journal, 1(1), 36-51. Mathews, B. (Summer, 1988). Planned short-term therapy utilizing the strategic techniques of Jay Haley and Milton Erickson. Psychotherapy in Private Practice, 6(4), 103--118. Mathews, B. (Summer, 1988). Counseling: professionalization of human caring. Virginia Counselors Journal, 16(1), 44-45. Mathews, B. (Summer, 1988). Innovation without increased expenditure: Three outreach strategies. The Southern College Personnel Association Journal,1(1), 3-8. Mathews, B. (Spring, 1987). Feminizing adult developmental theory. Journal of Counseling and Human Services Professions, 2(1), 26-30.
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