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Online PublishingJournalism 193Course
Description | Grading | Texts & Reading
| Links | Weekly
Assignments |
Grading In general, this class will abide by the rules of business etiquette that govern the newsroom and other places of business. • Attend and participate. As in the workplace, I expect you to be present in class unless there’s an emergency. If there is, notify me in advance or as soon as possible afterwards. Class participation is worth 25 percent of your grade. To achieve the full 25 percent, prepare and participate in class. Missing a class or being unprepared on a guest speaker day will result in a heavy penalty. If you miss a class, you’re expected to be prepared for the next class – contact me or a classmate for the assignment. If you miss more than two classes we will talk about whether you should continue the class. • Guest speakers. Interacting with professionals is especially critical in a field that is so new. Each time we have a guest speaker, you will be expected to study their website and prepare 10 typewritten questions in advance, to be turned in at the end of class for credit. You may not turn in questions if you miss the class. The good news: You will receive extra credit for asking the first relevant question of the day. • The usual workplace rules apply. Do not be tardy. No cell phones or other distractions. Respect each other. Avoid side discussions. • Submit assignments on time. Turn assignments in at the beginning of class on the day they are due. Journalism is all about deadlines. • Style counts. Use the AP Style Manual and a dictionary (and spellcheck). You will lose points for violating the style guide and for spelling and grammar errors, so if you’re not sure about the use of a comma, a colon or a dash, look it up. • Plagiarism and intellectual dishonesty will result in a failing grade. Plagiarism means lifting words, phrases or essential ideas from another author’s work without quotation or attribution. Intellectual honesty means no fabrication of sources, quotes or information. Abide by journalistic ethics. Your final grade will be based on the following areas: Weekly analysis based on area of study 25% |