

"Elements of Religion"

Team Activities

Writing Assignments

Extra Credit


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Team Readiness Assessments (TRAs)

Team readiness assessments (TRAs) are given every three weeks to assess student readiness for the more complex thinking required during application exercises. These assessments measure recognition & basic comprehension of (1) essential terms, (2) primary sources, and (3) key images. IMPORTANT: A number of these same questions then reappear on the final exam.

NOTE: each TRA takes place after a two-period guided reading session introducing the readings, but before the in-depth processing of readings done during team application exercises. Most students thus need to allow more time than they are used to for reading and studying assigned materials on their own.

Logistics (RAP: the "Readiness Assurance Process")

Individual TRAs must be taken on-line before coming to class on the third day of each two-week period (see syllabus for exact dates). Each TRA will become available shortly after the preceding class session; to take the test you must have a valid Saclink username and password and have been added to SacCT. The individual TRA is open-book and open-note, but you may not consult others during the test. (See my statements about the importance of academic honesty in FAQ, #10-13.)

Once in class:

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