The following are the powerpoint or outlines from yours and your classmates' debate presentations. You will be required to analyze and evaluate [critique] these debates for your last paper assignment (Presentation Analysis packet). You are responsible for knowing the details of this assignment as noted in the course syllabus (see link on left). Please click on "yes" or "No" to access the corresponding powerpoint or outline. All files are available as a PDF.
Sexual Ethics - Is it morally permissible to engage in sexual activity with whomever we want, as long as both/all parties give consent?
-- Yes
-- No
Affirmative Action - Should we implement affirmative action policies for school admissions and workplaces in order to compensate for past injustices? To promote equality and diversity?
-- Yes
-- No
Ethics of Violence - Are we morally justified in resorting to violence (i.e., war, death penalty) to prevent, end, or "bring justice" to a [worse] violence or injustice?"
-- Yes
-- No
Euthanasia - Does an individual have the right to end his/her own life if he/she is suffering? Do family members have the right to “pull the plug” on a loved one if the probability for success is slim-to-none?
-- Yes
-- No
Abortion - Does a three-month old fetus deserve the same moral rights as an adult person?
-- Yes
-- No
Environmental Ethics - Do we have a moral obligation to care for the long-term well-being of our earth's natural resources?
- Yes
- No