Catalog Description: The examination of the concepts of morality, obligation, human rights and the good life. Competing theories about the foundations of morality will be investigated.
Class Structure: This course is designed to enhance the learning experience by utilizing lecture, audio/visuals, and class discussion/debates. The semester is divided into two main sections. The first section will discuss ethical theories, and the second sectionwill discuss practical issues. Reading assignments are given on a regular basis, and in-class quizzes will replace written homework. Details of these assignments are found in the syllabus (link to your left).
Useful Links:
Please keep updated with the calendar of events IN CLASS, as our schedule has changed slightly from the calendar on the syllabus
Classmates' Presentations: Click here to access the presentation outlines for your classmates.
PowerPoint Notes: Although these are here for your benefit, they are not entitlements. As a result, I may cease posting at any time for any reason. All notes are in PDF format.