Support Page Content
ASE Hiring Information for Faculty & Staff
General Hiring Information
- ASE Hiring Process Info Sheet
- FAQs - New UAW Agreement
- ASE-PTF OnBase User Guide
- Making Revisions / Updates
- Exception Request
Pay Raise Information - Spring 2022
Posting ASE/Unit 11 Positions & Forms
Select a form for the position to be posted:
- Download & save the fillable PDF form.
- Fill out ALL of the requested information on the form and save.
- Email the completed PDF to
- The information will be reviewed and the position will be posted within 2-3 working days. If there are any questions Graduate Studies will contact the department or program directly
- On Going Hiring/Pool Applicants – Departments or program may keep a position posted for the current hiring semester for continuous hiring providing the hours, pay, or any other pertinent information does not change. Check the "Continuously Hiring" box
If you have any questions, please email
Notification of Admission Commitment / Unit 11 Positions (Non-Posting):
TIP: Download the open fillable form onto your computer. Make sure to save the form BEFORE filling it out. Save the completed forms as an individual document for each student, which can be reused in the future.
Hiring Forms
Effective June 15, 2021
The ASE-PTF (Academic Student Employee - Personnel Transaction Form) will now be submitted through OnBase for the hiring of Unit 11/Academic Student Employees:
- ISA - Instructional Student Assistants
- GA - Graduate Assistants
- TA - Teaching Assistants
Additional Two (2) Hiring Forms
Hiring departments / programs / colleges will still need to continue submitting the following completed and signed hiring forms by attaching them to the OnBase ASE-PTF:
- ASE/Unit 11 Application (student completes & submits to hiring department/program)
- ISA Application
- GA / TA Application - ASE Position Description Breakdown Form (percentages) - NOTE: Please do not substitute this form with a job posting form. Select a form by position.
- Teaching Associate (TA) Position
- Graduate Assistant (GA) Position
- Instructional Student Assistant (ISA) Position
The Office of Graduate Studies will no longer accept paper ASE-PTFs after June 15, 2021.
If you have any questions, please submit them to
Classification Descriptions
Additional Information & Resources
CSU Human Resources Information
Academic Student Employees (ASE) / Unit 11 Department / Program Hires by Semester
Relevant CSU Human Resources Technical Letters Concerning Unit 11
Graduate Assistants
- Graduate Assistant Employment Policy and Classification Standard - HR 2005-29
- Pay Letter 2005-03 & GA Timebase/Salary Change Information
- Graduate Assistant Timebase Change - HR/Salary 2005-10
- Employment History Database PIMS Item 405 Change Affecting GA Classifications - HR/EHDB 2005-02
Teaching Associate
All Unit 11 Employees
- Implementation of Unit 11 - Academic Student Employees - HR 2004-17
- 2005/06 Salary Program - Academic Student Employees (Unit 11) - HR/Salary 2005-13
- 2005/06 Salary Program - Academic Student Employees (Unit 11) - HR/Salary 2005-13 - Supplement #1
- Appointment of Academic Student Employees (Unit 11) - HR/Appointment 2005-01
- Academic Student Employee (Unit 11) Benefits Implementation - HR/Benefits 2005-12
- Student Employment and the Student FICA Exemption - HR 2005-28
- Equal Opportunities/Affirmative Action Americans with Disabilities Act
- Collective Bargaining Agreement - Unit 11