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Retirees Association at Sacramento State

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Spring Brunch w/ Honoring Don & Bev Gerth, May 5, 2013

We had a beautiful spring day for 91 colleagues to return to the campus for visiting familiar friends and reaquainting with those more recenetly retired. A short program followed the meal.
Former Director of Public Affairs Chuck McFadden was recognized for his "Trailblazer: A Biography of Jerry Brown." Chuck was kind enough to autograph copies of the book. David Humphers, Alan Wade, and Don Gerth were recognized for their work on our behalf on the board of the California State University Emeritus Faculty Association (CSU-ERFA). Our Academic Liaison, Vice President for Administration and Business Affairs and CFO provided an encouraging update on the finaicial state of the university.

The most significant event of the program was the recognition, by Alan Wade on behalf of the Retirees Association Board, of President Emeritus Don Gerth and his wife and teammate, Bev, for Don's work on behalf of retirees. Alan's comments were followed by words of thanks from the Gerths. Claude Duval, Foreign Languages Department Chair during Don's tenure as President added his heartfelt thanks as well.

Karen peterson and Linda Martin presented door prizes including wine and gift cards to a variety of restaurants.

Thanks to Dinner Committee members Dick Kornweibel, David Wagner, Linda Martin, Karen Peterson and Jean Torcom for a fun event, and to Photographers Felicenne Ramey and Larry Glasmire for capturing the event for viewing and remembering.

See you at the Fall Dinner, Saturday, November 2!