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Retirees Association at Sacramento State

Support Page Content



Faculty and staff retirees are attracted to the association because it enables us to continue the camaraderie we enjoyed while working at Sac State. Here are some of the things the association provides:

  • Fall dinner and spring brunch
  • This website
  • Calendar of campus and community events
  • Fall and spring Silver Bulletin publication
  • Financial support for campus programs
  • Work to safeguard retirees’ benefits
  • Notice of the passing of colleagues

Membership Fees

Membership fees and donations are used to support our grants to campus departments and three annual committments: student scholarships, junior faculty grants and the Univeresity Staff Assembly.

Membership fees are tax-deductible. Categories are:

  • Annual membership, $30
  • Lifetime membership, $400
  • *Out-of-area annual membership, $10
  • *Out-of-area lifetime membership, $100

*For those living too far away to participate in activities

Current Membership List

Membership Status Key:

  • 23 = Member paid for 2023
  • 24 = Member paid for 2024
  • 25 = Member paid for 2024
  • L = Paid as Lifetime Member
  • OA23 = Out of Area Member paid for 2023 (See membership fees above.)
  • OA24 = Out of Area Member paid for 2024 (See membership fees above.)
  • OAL = Out of Area Lifetime Member
Status First Name Last Name Department
L Elaine Alexander Mathematics
L Sharon Alexander Child Development
L Barbara Arnstine Teacher Education
L Fred Baldini College of Health and Human Services
24 Madonna Barlow Advancement Services 
L Carole Barnes Sociology
L Gene Barnes Physics and Astronomy
24 Juanita Barrena Biological Sciences
24 Sigrid  Bathen Communication Studies
24 Fred Batt Library
24 JeanPierre Bayard Electrical & Electronic Engineering
L Bruce Behrman Psychology
L David Bell English
24 Helena Bennett Outreach
L Karen Benson Teacher Education
24 Kimberly Biddle Child Development
24 Larry Boles Speech Pathology & Audiology   
L Ronald Boltz Social Work
24 Chris Boosalis Education
24 Michael Bossert Mathmatics
24 Sylvester Bowie Social Work
L Evelyn Bradley-Owens Chemistry
L JoAnne Breese College of Education
23 Brad Buchanan English
24 Alyson Buckman Humanities & Religious Studies
L Kathy Burleson Theatre Arts
L Debbi Burnett Spouse of Nick Burnett
24 Antoinette Burns UTAPS
23 Duane Campbell Bilingual Multicultural Education
23 Andonia  Cakouros       Theatre Arts
OAL Timothy Capron Fire Services Management
L Don Carper Business Administration
23 Nancy Caselli  Communication Studies
24 Terri Castanada                       Anthropology
L Peggy Cavaghan Family and Consumer Sciences
24 Edward Christenson Business Administration
24 John Christopher Mathematics & Statistics
OA23 Louis Clayson Music
24 John Connor Anthropology
L David Covin Ethnic Studies
24 George Craft History
24 Kenneth Cross Renaissance Society
24 De-Laine Cryenne Psychology
L Bob Curry Economics
23 Trevor Davey Mechanical Engineering
24 Leah Davis Procurement
23 Mary Decious Spouse of Dan Decious
L Evangelina del Ray-Da Roza Foreign Languages
L Virginia Dixon Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
23 Karyn Domich President's Office
L Phyllis Donovan Criminal Justice
23 Dean Dorn Sociology
24 Carol Downey Humanities & Religious Studies
OAL Gerrell Drawhorn Anthropology
24 Janet Dumonchelle Procurement
24 Claude Duval Foreign Languages
OA23 Joan Dworkin Social Work
OA24 Helen Dyckman President's Office
23 Charla Eales-King Registrar's Office
L Elizabeth Ebrahimzadeh Mathematics
L Rudolf Egger University Enterprises, Inc.
24 Estelle Eke Mechanical Engineering
L Amin Elmallah Civil Engineering
24 Marryan Elorduy Kinesiology & Health Science
24 Scott Farrand Mathematics & Statistics
24 Madeline Fish MESA Engineering Program
24 Linda Flores-Nolasco Financial Services
24 Patty Forehand Computing, Communication and Media Services
24 Marc Fox Information Resources & Technology
L Nancy Fox Transportation and Parking Services
24 Ron Fox Government
24 Buzz Fozouni  Political Science
24 Dwight Freund Computer Science
24 La Tina Gago College of Education
L Frank Garosi History
24 Jesse Gaston History
24 Marjorie  Gelus Foreign Languages, German
L Beverly Gerth Spouse of Don Gerth
24 Dennis Geyer Registrar's Office
24 Edward Gibson Physics & Astronomy
L Joe Gibson Alumni Association
OAL Joan Gipe Teacher Education
24 Larry Glasmire Academic Affairs
L Linda Goff Library
L Arnold Golub Psychology
L Shari Gonzales Advancement
L Margaret Goodart History
OA23 Linda Goodrich Theater & Dance
23 Vahl Scott Gordon Computer Science
24 Eric Gravenberg Student Affairs
24 Kem Gravenberg Admin. & Business Affairs
L Cecilia Gray Academic Affairs
L Steve Gregorich Education
L Tom Griffith Student Affairs
23 Ann Haffer Nursing
L Donald Hall Physics and Astronomy
L Tim Hallinan Geography
22 Tracy Hamilton Math & Statistics
L Elizabeth Hanson-Smith English
24 Howard Harris Facilities Management
24 Stacy Hayano Admin. & Business Affairs
24 Janice Hayden University Advancement
OAL Justine Heartt Financial Services
24 Laurel Heffernan Natural Sciences and Mathematics
L Juan Hernandez Social Work
OAL Rovena Hillsman Organizational Behavior and Environment
L Sue Holl Mechanical Engineering
L Dick Hughes Government
25 Sybil Jakob Mathematics
25 Fredi Jakob Chemistry
L Hazel Johnson Testing
L James Jolly Management
24 Robert Jones President's Office
23 Tom Kando Sociology
L Erwin Kelly Economics
23 Jacqueline Kelly Social Work
OAL Richard Kellough Teacher Education
24 Virginia Kidd Communication Studies
24 Donelle Kincaid   Biology
24 Thomas Krabacher Geography
L Sheila Lai Library
L Jeri Langham Biological Sciences
24 Ted Lascher Public Policy & Administration
23 David Lee Sociology
L Mary Jane Lee Computer Science
24 Edna Linville Foreign Languages
L Elroy Littlefield Jr. CSUS Foundation
24 Myra Long Student Affairs
OAL Peggy Luers Housing
24 Rachel Lyman Physics & Astronomy
24 James Mackey Business Administration
24 Mary Mackey English
L Ramzi Mahmood Civil Engineering
23 Ann Malveaux Student Services
L Marcus Marsh Mathematics
23 Linda Martin Communication Studies
23 David Martin Communication Studies
24 Cindy Martinez Registrars Office
L Lois Mattice Intercollegiate Athletics
OAL Nancy McCarty Admin & Business Affairs
24 Maureen McDermott Spouse of Peter Lund
23 Chuck McFadden Public Affairs
L Susan McGinty Physical Therapy
24 Janice McPherson University Advancement
L Susan Meier Criminal Justice
24 Maria Mejorado Minority Engineering Program
24 Bob Metcalf Biological Sciences
L Sheree Meyer English
24 Martin Meyers Computer Science
L Peter Michael Business Administration
24 Pamela Milchrist Kinesiology
L Christine Miller Communication Studies
L Kathy Mine Academic Affairs
24 Sandra Moisan Career Center
24 Judy Montgomery Information Resources and Technology
24 Ken Montgomery Information Resources and Technology
L Mary Beth Montgomery Social Work
24 Joseph Morrow Psychology
23 Betty Moulds President's Office
24 Kay Muther Library
24 Sylvia Navari Social Work
L Robyn Nelson Nursing
24 William Neuman Civil Engineering
OAL Jo-Ann Nicola Family and Consumer Sciences
L Paul Noble Provost's Office
L Barbara O'Connor Communication Studies
OAL John Oldenburg Electrical & Electronic Engineering
23 Cheryl Osborne Gerontology 
L Kenneth Pacholke Management Information Science
24 Craig Perez Development
OAL Robert Phillips Geography
23 Charles Plummer Geology
24 Doris Prout (Beard) Family and Consumer Sciences
24 Judy Quattrin Recreation, Park & Tourism Administration
L Felicenne Ramey College of Business Administration
OA24 Mary Reddick Library
L Ann Reed Public Affairs
23 Martha Reyes Student Affairs
L Mary Ann Reihman Biological Sciences
24 Robert Richardson Geography
L Mark Riley Foreign Languages
L Theresa Roberts Child Development
23 Patricia Robson  
24 Betty Ronayne Library
24 Mario Ruiz Facilities Management
23 Deborah Russell English
24 Camellia Sahm Space Management
L Tom Sandman Business Administration
L Ronald Santora English
L John Schaeuble Psychology
OAL Frederick Schneider Mechanical Engineering
24 Ruth Schroeder Human Resources
24 Deborah Seiler Renaissance Society
L Estela Serrano Foreign Languages
L Deidre Sessoms Education
24 Mary Shepherd Student Affairs
24 Jana Shober Biological Sciences
L Nancy Shulock Institute for Higher Ed. Leadership and Policy
24 LaVerne Simmons-Barnett    Administration and Business Affairs
L Dick Smith Computer Science
24 Gerri Smith Communication Studies
L Dean Sorensen University Union
OA24 Andrea Speir College of Continuing Education
24 Michelle Stevens Environmental Studies
24 Joy Stewart-James Student Affairs
24 Mark Stoner Communication Studies
23 Beth Strasser Anthropology
L Hon-Hsieh Su Civil Engineering
L Gary Szydelko Design
OAL Russell Tatro EEE
24 Beverly Tobey History, widow of Jerry Tobey
L Nancy Tooker College of Arts and Letters
24 Dennis Tootolian  College of Business
L Jean Torcom Government
24 Kris Trigales Registrar's Office
24 Tamara Trujillo Library
23 Stephanie Tucker English
23 Catherine Turrill Lupi Art
24 Peter Urone Physics & Astronomy
L Senon Valadez Anthropology
L Rosiland Van Auker Library
24 Rose Varesio Sociology
24 Michaeline  Veden Media Services
24 Shirley Vicari Telecommunications Services
L William Vizzard Criminal Justice
L Karl von den Steinen History
23 Marlene vonFriederichs-Fitzwater Communication Studies
23 Alan Wade Social Work
L David Wagner Human Resources/Communication Studies
L Chris Wagner Consumnes River College - Communication Studies
L Ann Weldy College of Arts and Sciences
25 Georgiana White Library
23 Lynn Wilcox Education
24 Marilyn Winters Education
24 Lisa Woodard-Mink Development
L Tohru Yamanaka College of Arts and Letters
L Cui Zhang Computer Science