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Retirees Association at Sacramento State

Support Page Content


Please consider making a donation to help us provide support for the campus. There are two ways to donate:

Online donation via the University's giving site. You may designate your gift to support specific programs (e.g., annual campus grants, scholarship for dependents of faculty/staff, faculty development grants, Founders Endowment)

Using a fillable paper form that you can mail to University Development. You may use this form to donate to support annual campus grants or to contribute to the Founders Endowment, the interest of which is used to support annual campus grants.

Part of the mission of the Retirees Association as stated in our constitution is, “To provide support for the University and its students, faculty and staff.” All the money that we raise from retiree donations and member dues is used for this purpose.

About half of the Association's support for the campus consists of three ongoing, annual commitments. The first two, Scholarships and Faculty Grants, are explained in detail in the navigation links to the leftadditional information about these is available in the navigation links to the left. These annual commitments total $4500:

  • Two $1500 scholarships awarded to children of current faculty and staff
  • Two $500 faculty grants awarded to promising untenured faculty
  • A $500 donation to the University Staff Assembly for their spring picnic

The Association also strives to provide at least an additional $4000 to a variety of campus programs, such as those listed below in Recent Donations.

Our goal, then, is to raise at least $8000 a year. Membership dues and donations made at the Association’s two annual events provide support for much, but not all, of the funding goal. We are appealing to all retirees, near and far, to help us continue supporting the campus. Your donations allow the Association to provide a consistent level of support for campus programs in the future. Donations are tax deductible.

Donations can be made to association's general fund for use in the coming year, or to our endowment to provide stability for the Association's ongoing support for campus programs.


The Board agreed to the following campus grants totaling $16,500


The Board agreed to the following campus grants totaling $13,000


The Board agreed to the following campus grants totaling $16,000


The Board agreed to the following campus grants totaling $10,000

  • $3,000 *Two student scholarships for children of current employees of the university
  • $1,000 *Two Faculty Development Awards
  • $500 - *University Staff Assembly
  • $500 - *ASI Food Pantry
  • $500 – One additional Faculty Development Award
  • $500 - New Millennium Concert Series
  • $500 - Guardian Scholars
  • $500 - Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society
  • $500 - College of NSM Peer Assisted Leaning Center
  • $1,500 - CARES (Crisis Assistance & Resource Education Support)
  • $500 - Nursing White Coats Fund
  • $500 - Project Rebound


The Board agreed to the following campus grants totaling $11,000

  • $3,000 *Two student scholarships for children of current employees of the university
  • $1,000 *Two Faculty Development Awards
  • $500 - *University Staff Assembly
  • $500 - String Project in the School of Music
  • $500 - ASI Food Bank
  • $500 - Dreamer Resource Center
  • $500 - New Millennium Concert Series
  • $500 - Project for the Informed Electorate
  • $500 - CA Upsilon Chapter Tau Beta Pi - Engineering Honor Society
  • $500 - Project Rebound
  • $500 - Student Branch of the Public Relations Society of America
  • $500 - Peer Assisted Learning Center in the College of NSM
  • $500 - Guardian Scholars Program
  • $500 - Department of Theater and Dance Spring Musical
  • $500 - Model United Nations
  • $500 - Centers for Diversity and Inclusion


The board agreed on the following donation decisions totaling $10,500:

  • $3000 *Two $1500 Retirees Association student scholarships
  • $1000 *Two $500 faculty Development Grants
  • $500 *University Staff Assembly
  • $1000 ASI Food Bank
  • $500 CSUS String Project
  • $500 Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society
  • $500 CSUS Debate Program
  • $500 Guardian Scholars
  • $500 Project Rebound
  • $500 Dreamer Resource Center
  • $500 Friends of the Library
  • $500 NSM Undergraduate Research Reception Poster Session
  • $500 Project for an Informed Electorate (PIE)
  • $500 Model UN
  • $10,500 TOTAL


The board agreed on the following donation decisions totaling $10,500:

  • $3000 *Two $1500 Retirees Association student scholarships
  • $1000 *Two $500 faculty Development Grants
  • $500 *University Staff Assembly
  • $500 CSUS String Project
  • $500 Mew Millennium Concert Series
  • $500 ASI Food Bank
  • $500 CSUS Debate Program
  • $500 Centers for Diversity and Inclusion
  • $500 Hyper Loop Team – College of ECS
  • $500 Dreamer Resources Center
  • $500 Biological Sciences Peer Assisted Learning Program
  • $500 NSM Undergraduate Research Reception Poster Session
  • $500 Project for an Informed Electorate (PIE)
  • $500 Martin Luther King Scholars Program
  • $500 HHS Student Success Center
  • $10,500 TOTAL


The board agreed on the following donation decisions totaling $11,000:

  • $3000 *Two $1500 Retirees Association student scholarships
  • $1000 *Two $500 faculty Development Grants
  • $500 *University Staff Assembly
  • $500 New Millenium concert Series
  • $500 Multicultural Center
  • $500 Festival of New American Music
  • $500 Friends of the Library, in memory of emeritus dean Charles Martel
  • $500 Theater Arts in support of the Spring 2017 musical
  • $500 ASI Food Bank
  • $500 Seth Nelson Student Emergency Fund
  • $500 Model United Nations
  • $500 PRIDE Center
  • $500 Student Athlete Resource Center
  • $500 Art Department for cataloging and preserving collection
  • $500 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Undergrad Research Poster Session
  • $500 Sacramento State Public Debate Association
  • $11,000 TOTAL


The board agreed on the following donation decisions totaling $9500:

  • $3000 *Two $1500 Retirees Association student scholarships
  • $1000 *Two $500 faculty Development Grants
  • $500 *University Staff Assembly
  • $1000 Festival of the Arts (College of Arts and Letters)
  • $500 String Project (Music Department)
  • $500 Hornet Racing Team (College of Engineering and Computer Science)
  • $500 University Gallery (Library)
  • $500 Choral Programs (Music Department)
  • $500 Model United Nations (Government Department)
  • $500 College of Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Studies One World Initiative
  • $500 University Arboretum (Biology Department)
  • $500 Guardian Scholars Program (Academic Affairs)
  • $9,500 TOTAL


The board agreed on the following donation decisions totaling $9000:

  • $3000 *Two $1500 Retirees Association student scholarships
  • $1000 *Two $500 faculty Development Grants
  • $500 *University Staff Assembly
  • $1000 Festival of the Arts (College of Arts and Letters)
  • $1000 Theater and Dance Spring Production
  • $500 Philosophy Department Symposium
  • $500 Guardian Scholars Program (Academic Affairs)
  • $500 Anthropology Museum
  • $500 Multicultural Center
  • $500 Hornet Racing Team (College of Engineering and Computer Science)
  • $9,000 TOTAL


The faculty grants were funded and the board conducted a survey on donations that informed the following donation decisions totaling $8500:

  • $3000 *Two $1500 Retirees Association student scholarships
  • $1000 *Two $500 faculty Development Grants (funding for following year)
  • $500 *University Staff Assembly
  • $1000 String Project (Music Department)
  • $1000 Festival of the Arts (College of Arts and Letters)
  • $500 Friends of the Library
  • $500 Commit to Study Program (College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics)
  • $500 Alumni Center debt retirement effort
  • $500 Philosophy Department Symposium
  • $8,500 TOTAL


The student scholarship was created. Donations totaled $6500 as follows:

  • $3000 *Two $1500 Retirees Association Scholarships
  • $500 University Staff Assembly
  • $1000 Festival of the Arts (College of Arts and Letters)
  • $1000 University Gallery
  • $1000 Friends of the Library
  • $6,500 TOTAL