July 10, 2021 - Cobb Institute, Claremont Graduate University
Michael Epperson and Elias Zafiris - Symposium panelists: "Untying the Gordian Knot - Process, Reality, and Context"
September 26-28, 2019 - Stony Brook University
2nd Annual Phenomenological Approaches to Physics Conference
Keynote Talk, Michael Epperson: “Subject, Object, and Ontological Process in Quantum Mechanics”
Conference Brochure and Full Speaker Schedule
August 21-22, 2019 - Santa Fe Institute
Thirty Years of Complex Thinking: A Celebration of Stuart Kauffman’s Contributions to the Field of Complex Systems
Invited Talk, Michael Epperson: "Dipolar Duality: Actuality and Potentiality in Quantum Mechanics"
June 17-20, 2018 - U.C. Berkeley
Eighteenth Annual Biosemiotics Gathering
Presentation, Michael Epperson: "Quantum Origins of Ontic Emergence"
February 8-12, 2018 - Ontogenesis Process Group – Santa Fe, New Mexico
Workshop: Sha Xin Wei, Arts, Media & Engineering, Arizona State University; Stuart Kauffman, Complexity Theory, Santa Fe; Giuseppe Longo, Mathematics & Theoretical Biology, École Normale Supérieure; Philip Thurtle, Comparative History of Ideas, University of Washington; Michael Epperson, History and Philosophy of Science, CSUS-CPNS; Cary Wolfe, Cultural Theory, Rice University; Gaymon Bennett, Religious Studies, ASU; Adam Nocek, Arts, Media & Engineering, ASU; Erin Espelie, Film Studies & Critical Media Practices, University of Colorado Boulder, Editor-in Chief, Natural History magazine.
November 13-15, 2017 - Arizona State University
Beyond Complexity: The Biosocial After the Digital
Presentation, Michael Epperson: “Contextual Measurement in Quantum Mechanics: Inducing the Objective Global from the Subjective Local.” The Beyond Complexity seminar addresses the growing consensus in the sciences and the humanities that the complexity of living matter cannot be adequately captured by information theoretic explanations. To engage this complexity, this seminar brings together a vibrant and diverse group of scientists and scholars from across North America and Europe to participate in a series of workshops and public events hosted by Arizona State University.
April 19-23, 2017 - Ontogenesis Process Group - Inaugural Workshop - Santa Fe, New Mexico
Sha Xin Wei, Arts, Media & Engineering, Arizona State University; Stuart Kauffman, Complexity Theory, Santa Fe; Giuseppe Longo, Mathematics & Theoretical Biology, École Normale Supérieure; Philip Thurtle, Comparative History of Ideas, University of Washington; Michael Epperson, History and Philosophy of Science, CSUS-CPNS; Cary Wolfe, Cultural Theory, Rice University; Gaymon Bennett, Religious Studies, ASU; Adam Nocek, Arts, Media & Engineering, ASU.
January 13-16, 2016 - Arizona State University - School of Arts, Media, and Engineering
Workshop: "Quantum Mechanics + Category Theory After Deleuze and Badiou"
Sha Xin Wei - Director, School of Arts, Media, and Engineering, Synthesis Center, Arizona State University
Michael Epperson - Director, Center for Philosophy and the Natural Sciences, Cal State University, Sacramento
June 4-7, 2015 Pomona College - Pomona College - 10th International Whitehead Conference
"Seizing an Alternative: Toward an Ecological Civilization"
5 Presentations: Michael Epperson & Elias Zafiris - [1] Section IV, Track 2 “The Ontology of Contextualized Potentiality: Whiteheadian Internal Relations in Quantum Mechanics”; [2] Section IV, Track 7: "The Behavioral, Neural, and Quantum Correlates of Conscious Experience: A Whiteheadian Look at Tononi and Koch’s Integrated Information Theory"; [3] Section II, Track 1: “A Mereotopological Bridging of Prehension and Extension in Whiteheadian Cosmology”; [4] Section IX, Track 4: “The Whiteheadian Path from Quantum Physics to Psychology” [5] Elias Zafiris: Section IV, Track 2 “Sheaves of Boolean Internal Relational Frames: A Local-to-Global, Whiteheadian Approach to Quantum Geometry”
November 25-26, 2014 - ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Lecture: Elias Zafiris - “Natural Computation as Cryptography: A Spectrum View on Number Theory”
Seminar, "Considering the Computability of the Sun’s Inverse: Speculative Reasoning and the Nature of the Cosmos"
November 19, 2014 - California State University Sacramento
CPNS Visiting Scholar Lecture
Dr. Robert Geyer, University of Lancaster
"Using Complexity to Help Understand and Manage Public Policy"
Co-sponsored by the CSUS Department of Public Policy and Administration
5:30 - 7:30 pm Petris Room, University Library (3rd Floor, Room 3023)
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November 5, 2014 - California State University Sacramento
CPNS Visiting Scholar Public Lecture
Dr. Timothy Eastman, NASA Goddard
"Cosmic Agnosticism: Current Problems and Alternative Perspectives in Cosmology"
7:00 - 8:30 pm, Petris Room, University Library (3rd Floor, Room 3023)
This talk is intended for a general audience and is open to the public.
November 6, 2014 - California State University Sacramento
CPNS Visiting Scholar Lecture
Dr. Timothy Eastman, NASA Goddard
"The Plasma Universe: Gravity Plus Electromagnetism"
Department of Physics Colloquium
4:00 - 5:20, Mendocino Hall 1015
May 22-24, 2014 - ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Presentation: Michael Epperson, “The Ontology and Epistemology of Internal Relations: Bridging the Physical and Conceptual in Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Information”
Presentation: Elias Zafiris, “Sheaves of Boolean Logical Frames: A Local-To-Global Approach To Quantum Geometry And Logic”
Fifth Metalithicum Klausur Symposium: "Computation as Literacy: Self Organizing Maps" (Edited volume published 2016, Birkhäuser)
April 5-6, 2014 - U.C. Davis
Invited Presentation: Michael Epperson, “Potentiality and Contextuality in Quantum Mechanics"
"Quantity/Quality: The Problem of Measure in Philosophy and Science"
October 24, 2013 - Parmenides Foundation - Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, Germany
Lecture by Elias Zafiris: “A Category Theoretical Approach to Quantum Physics”
October 9, 2013 - Institute of Philosophy Eötvös Loránd University Budapest, Hungary
Lecture: Michael Epperson, “Potentiality and Contextuality in Quantum Mechanics: The Relational Realist Approach” 5:00 PM, Room 226
October 8, 2013 - Parmenides Foundation - Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, Germany
Michael Epperson and Elias Zafiris: “Relational Realist Philosophy and the Topological Approach to Quantum Mechanics”
October 3-6, 2013 - Austrian Academy of Sciences Vienna, Austria
Conference: “Emergent Quantum Mechanics 2013”
August 24-26, 2013 - Amsterdam, Netherlands
Workshop: “The Philosophy of Relational Realism and Quantum Geometric Phases” Elias Zafiris - Theoretical physics and mathematics, CPNS and Institute of Mathematics, University of Athens; Michael Epperson - Philosophy of Science, CPNS, College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, California State University, Sacramento; Karim Bschir - Philosophy of Science - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
August 21-23, 2013 - Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Amsterdam
Symposium: "Relational Realism, Quantum Gravity, and the Holographic Principle"
Sebastian de Haro - Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Amsterdam Dennis Dieks - Philosophy of Science - Utrecht University Jeroen van Dongen - Institute for History and Foundations of Science - Utrecht University Elias Zafiris - Theoretical physics and mathematics, CPNS and Institute of Mathematics, University of Athens Michael Epperson - Philosophy of Science, CPNS, College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, California State University, Sacramento Karim Bschir - Philosophy of Science - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
April 3, 2013 - California State University, Sacramento
CPNS Lecture: “The Role of Topology in the Interpretation of Quantum Event Structures”
Elias Zafiris, Institute of Mathematics, University of Athens & Visiting Professor Institute of Philosophy Eötvös University, Budapest
5:00 PM, Room 226
March 7, 2013 - California State University, Sacramento
CPNS Visiting Scholar Lecture
Spyridon Koutroufinis, Technical University of Berlin & Visiting Professor Department of Anthropology U.C. Berkeley
“Between Teleology and Mechanism: The History of the Concept of Organism from a Philosophical Perspective” 1:30 - 2:45, Summit Room, University Union, 3rd Floor
Co-sponsored by the Department of History
February 4-7, 2013 - ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Workshop: “A Topological, Sheaf-Theoretic Explication of Quantum Geometric Phases By Analysis of Experimental Data on the Aharonov-Bohm Effect, the Pancharatnam Phase, and the Quantum Hall Effect, Toward a Unified Interpretation”
February 1-3, 2013 - ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Presentation: Michael Epperson: “Quantum Theory and Metaphysics”
Fourth Metalithicum Klausur Symposium
December 12, 2012 - Center for Logic and Philosophy of Science Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium
Duo Lecture, Michael Epperson and Elias Zafiris: “Foundations of Relational Realism: On Relational Realism and the use of Grothendieck topology to construct a category-sheaf theoretic interpretation of quantum mechanics”
December 6, 2012 - California State University, Chico - Department of Philosophy Visiting Scholar Series
Lecture: Michael Epperson: “The Mutual Implication of Objects and Relations in Quantum Mechanics: How Potentiality and Contextuality are Ontologically Significant in Modern Physics”
October 27-28, 2012 - Claremont Graduate University
Workshop Presentation: Michael Epperson and Elias Zafiris: “Relational Realism and Issues in Modern Physics”
John Cobb - Claremont Graduate University Robert Valenza - Dept. of Mathematics, Claremont McKenna College Granville Henry - Emeritus - Dept. of Mathematics, Claremont McKenna College Ronny Desmet - Vrije Universiteit, Brussels Tim Eastman - NASA-Goddard Elias Zafiris - University of Athens Michael Epperson - CPNS, California State University Sacramento
October 25, 2012 - California State University Sacramento - Department of Mathematics
CPNS Seminar: Elias Zafiris, University of Athens, Institute of Mathematics
“A Sheaf Theoretic Framework for the Representation of Quantum Event Structures in Terms of Boolean Covering Systems”
3:00-3:50, Brighton Hall, Rm. 204
October 24, 2012 - California State University, Sacramento
CPNS Public Lecture: Michael Epperson and Elias Zafiris: “Understanding Quantum Mechanics: The Rehabilitation of Aristotle in Modern Physics”
Co-sponsored by the Hellenic Studies Program and The Hellenic American Professional Society
7:00-8:00 pm, Petris Room, University Library 3023 (3rd floor)
October 23, 2012 - California State University, Sacramento
CPNS Visiting Scholar Lecture
Karim Bschir, ETH Zurich
“Potentiality in Natural Philosophy”
1:30-2:45, University Union, Folsom Room (3rd Floor)
October 18-21, 2012 - University of California Santa Barbara
Invited Panelists: Michael Epperson and Elias Zafiris
Symposium: “The Decline Effect: Evidence, Explanations, and Future Directions”
December 2, 2011 - Claremont Graduate University
Invited Presentation, Michael Epperson: “Relational Realism, Quantum Mechanics, and the Philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead”
Conference: “Whitehead: The Next Generation”
November 2, 2011 - Claremont Graduate University
Presentation, Michael Epperson: “Quantum Mechanics, Category Theory, and the Philosophy of Whitehead" - Symposium: "Conversations About Whitehead and Category Theory”
October 5-8, 2011 - European Philosophy of Science Association 2011 Conference Athens, Greece
Presentation: "Quantum Decoherence: A View from Topology" Karim Bschir - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Elias Zafiris - University of Athens Michael Epperson - CPNS, California State University Sacramento
June 15-20, 2011 - ETH Zurich, Switzerland & Bernex, France
Workshop: "Quantum Relational Realism: Mereotopology, Logical Implication, and Internal Relation in Quantum Mechanics as Represented via Sheaf-theoretic Boolean Covering Systems"
Roland Omnès - University of Paris XI, Michael Epperson - CPNS, California State University Sacramento, Elias Zafiris - University of Athens, Karim Bschir - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Timothy E. Eastman - NASA Goddard
February 17, 2011 - Library of Congress, Washington D.C.
Symposium: "The Philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead"
Invited Lecture: Michael Epperson, "Contemporary Physics and the Phillosophy of Alfred North Whitehead"
From the Library of Congress Press Release: "D.C. Experts to Discuss Famed Mathematician and Philosopher Alfred North Whitehead and a Rare Piece of Correspondence at Symposium on Feb. 17 A rare, six-page letter written by Alfred North Whitehead, one of the major philosophers and mathematicians of the 20th century, will be the subject of a half-day symposium at the Library of Congress. The letter was recently donated to the Library and will be housed in the Manuscript Division. Roland Faber, executive co-director of the Center for Process Studies and executive director of the Whitehead Research Project at Claremont Graduate University will give the keynote address "Whitehead’s Work and Impact, Past and Future," which will provide an overview of Whitehead and his legacy in a range of fields. George Lucas of the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis will discuss "Whitehead, Wittgenstein and 20th Century Philosophy and Ethics." Michael Epperson of California State University in Sacramento will present "Interpretations of Contemporary Physics." David Finkelstein of the Georgia Institute of Technology will discuss "Reflections on ‘Principia Mathematica,’" which will address the impact of Whitehead in logic and mathematics. Derek Malone-France of George Washington University will present "Kant and Whitehead." Ron Phipps of the International Center for Process Philosophy, Science and Education will discuss "Significance of Whitehead’s 1936 Letter." Timothy Eastman of Plasmas International in Silver Spring, Md., will present "Whitehead in the Tradition of Process Thought." Henry S. Leonard, Jr., the letter’s donor, will talk about its provenance."
Click here for more information from the Library of Congress website.
October 19-23, 2010 - University of Athens - Institute of Mathematics
Workshop: "Applying Sheaf/Category Theory to Quantum Mechanics: Logical Implication And The Internal Relation Of The Local To The Global In Quantum Mechanical Predication"
July 19-20, 2010 - Orcas Island, Washington
Workshop: "Foundations of Relational Realism: Logical Causality, Intrinsic Decoherence, and a Category-Theoretic Mereotopological Model of Quantum Spacetime" Michael Epperson: Dept. of Philosophy & College of Natural Sciences & Mathematics, Director, CPNS, California State University Stuart Kauffman: Complex Systems Center, University of Vermont Elias Zafiris: Dept. of Mathematics, University of Athens Philip Stamp: Dept. of Physics, University of British Columbia / PITI Karim Bschir: Dept. of Philosophy, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Timothy Eastman: Plasmas International
July 4-7, 2010 - Europa University Viadrina - Frankfurt-Oder, Germany
"International Symposium on Generalizing Quantum Theory"
Invited Presentation, Michael Epperson, “Quantum Relational Mereotopology: Category Theory, Logical Implication, and the Internal Relation of the Local to the Global”
February 23, 2010 - CSUS - Center for STEM Excellence
STEM Lecture Series
Invited Lecture by Michael Epperson, "From Classical Philosophy to Quantum Mechanics: An Evolving Reality" California State University, Sacramento University Union
Redwood Room: 6 pm
February 2, 2010 - University of Freiburg Freiburg, Germany
Workshop: "Relational Realism and Generalized Quantum Theory"
January 29-30, 2010 - ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Workshop: "Quantum Logical Causality, Category Theory, and the Philosophy of Whitehead" Elias Zafiris, Michael Epperson, Karim Bschir Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
June 26-28, 2009 - Center for Logic and Philosophy of Science, Vrije Universiteit Brussel Brussels, Belgium
Workshop: "Logical Causality in Quantum Mechanics - II" Michael Epperson, Paul Gochet, Ronny Desmet, Michel Weber, Tim Eastman
June 13-20, 2009 - University of Rome International Conference on Science and Spirituality Cortona, Italy
Lecture & Panel - Michael Epperson: "The Relational Realist Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics: The Evolution of Ontology to Praxiology in the Philosophy of Nature"
Panel: Arthur Zajonc - Professor of Physics, Amherst College Michel Bitbol - Director of Research, CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) Michael Epperson - Director, Center for Philosophy and the Natural Sciences, California State University, Sacramento Eshel Ben-Jacob - Professor of Physics, Tel Aviv University
August 14-17, 2008 - California State University Sacramento Sacramento
Workshop: "Logical Causality in Quantum Mechanics - I" Michael Epperson, David Finkelstein, Henry Stapp, George Shields, Tim Eastman, William Kallfelz, Gary Herstein
August 15-18, 2007 - University University of Maryland
Workshop: "Quantum Physical Investigations into the Causal and Logical Orders and the Physical Basis of Possibility" Michael Epperson, Dept. of Philosophy, Director CPNS, California State University Sacramento Timothy E. Eastman, NASA-Goddard David Ritz Finkelstein, Georgia Institute of Technology Henry P. Stapp, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory William M. Kallfelz, University of Maryland Mohsen Shiri Garakani, PACE University.
September 28 - October 2, 2005 - Claremont Graduate University
Conference "Quantum Physics, Process Philosophy, and Matters of Religious Concern"
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Lecture and Panel Discussion with Shimon Malin, Professor of Physics, Colgate University B.J. Hiley, Professor Emeritus of Physics, University of London Michael Epperson, Research Professor, Director, Center for Philosophy and the Natural Sciences, California State University Sacramento Reginald Cahill, Professor of Physics, Flinders University David Ray Griffin, Professor, Claremont Graduate University Claremont, California