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Odyssey Mentoring Program
The Odyssey Mentoring Program is a uniquely designed peer-to-peer mentoring program available to all Political Science Students. The purpose of the mentoring program is to integrate students into campus life, and to facilitate students during their time at CSUS. We believe that majors will be more sucessful if they are able to take advantage of every opportunity the University has to offer them. Through weekly interactions between mentors and mentees, as well as group activities and alumni-student interactions, political science majors will begin to access resources that will positively impact their academic and social experiences at CSUS.
The mentoring program is applicable for students seeking academic help as well as students wishing to become more involved in campus life. Each mentor-mentee relationship will be distinctive to the needs of the student being mentored. There will also be mentoring opportunities available through our partnership with the Political Science Alumni's Chapter Alumni Mentoring Program.
Any issues or concerns should be reported to the faculty advisor, Dr. Kristina Victor at
To contact the Student Program Coordinator for more information about joining the program email them at

Program Participants
Interested in becoming a mentor or mentee? Complete the Odyssey Application