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Renaissance Society Programs
The 2025 Spring Catalog
You have several ways to browse and learn about the choices you have for the 2025 Spring Semester. You can read the flipbook version of the Catalog online. Or you can view the PDF version, which you can download to your computer and print out pages you want. There is also a briefer Schedule-At-A-Glance to help with your planning. You can also print it. NOTE: You can begin signing up for classes on Jan. 21 at 8 am!
Here is a link to a campus map.

Spring 2025 Addendum and Corrections
Find out here what has changed this spring, such as Forum speakers, new or cancelled classes, as well as corrections to items such as a leader's emai address. It will be periodically updated!
Frequently Asked Questions
Can't recall your membership number?
How to find your membership number in the registration system.
How Do I Enroll in Programs?
Our online registration system has been updated to make it easier to find and sign up for classes. It also now makes it much easier for you to know and keep track of the Zoom links for all the classes for which you sign up. HINT: Create a place on your computer, such as a special folder, to keep the email that will be sent to you listing all your classes and their Zoom links.
How to Enroll in Classes and Get Your Zoom Links
How Do I Get a Parking Permit for On-Campus Classes?
There is a new system for parking permits, a virtual one using your car license number. Go here to find out the details.
What about wifi on campus?
You can connect your phone, laptop or tablet to the Sac State system. Here is the basic wifi info.
You can learn how to use a guest wifi account here.
Spring 2025 Update
Renaissance programs this Spring once again consist of many choices. There will be classes on Zoom from Mondays through Thursdays. On Fridays there will be many classes on the Sac State campus! Some of them are in-person only, while others will be presented both to in-person participants and those from the comfort of their homes on Zoom. These hybrid classes will also be recorded. That means members who sign up for these classes can choose each week whether to attend on campus or on Zoom. The Friday Forums will also be hybrid, viewable either in person on campus or at home on Zoom.
It is not difficult to use Zoom as a participant. You will get directions and instructions from your seminar leaders. There is training information on this website. You can download the Zoom application for free onto your computer, tablet or smartphone and practice yourself. Note: You do need to have a decent wi-fi connection.
Resources for Program Leaders
How Do I Access My Program Data?
Leaders: Like some help with your classes? The updated Leaders' Handbook is full of useful information.
Spring 2025 Orientation & Open House
The Spring 2025 Orientation and Open House takes place on Friday, Jan. 17 in the Sac State Student Union.
Orientation, from 10 to 11 am in Hinde Auditorium, provides an overview of RS and the Spring Programs. At the Open House, from 11:15 am to 12:30 pm in Ballrooms I and II, meet program leaders, learn about RS, and enjoy light refreshments. Volunteers will be available to help new members join on the spot.
Please contact Membership Committee Chair Deanna Hanson.
Renaissance Society Code of Conduct
Revision 2024
The Renaissance Society is dedicated to providing a welcoming and supportive environment for all people, regardless of background or identity. By participating in activities and events sponsored by the Renaissance Society, participants accept to abide our Code of Conduct and accept the procedures by which any Code of Conduct incidents are resolved. The Renaissance Society does not tolerate behavior that is disrespectful or that excludes, intimidates, or causes discomfort to others. We do not tolerate discrimination or harassment based on characteristics that include, but are not limited to, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, citizenship, nationality, ethnic or social origin, pregnancy, familial status, veteran status, genetic information, religion or belief (or lack thereof), membership of a national minority, property, age, education, socio-economic status, technical choices, and experience level.
Everyone who participates in workshops, forums and presentation activities is required to conform to this Code of Conduct. It applies to all spaces managed by or affiliated with the Renaissance Society. Program hosts/leaders are expected to assist with the enforcement of the Code of Conduct. By participating, participants and program leaders indicate their acceptance of the procedures by which the Renaissance Society resolves any Code of Conduct incidents,
Standards of Conduct
All participants in our events and communications are expected to show respect and courtesy to others. All interactions should be professional regardless of platform: either online or in-person. In order to foster a positive and professional learning environment we encourage the following kinds of behaviors in all RS events and platforms:
- Use welcoming and inclusive language and discussion.
- Be respectful of different viewpoints and experiences.
- Gracefully accept constructive criticism
- Show courtesy and respect towards RS members and guests!
Unacceptable Conduct
Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants at any RS Programs include:
- Engage in written or verbal comments which have the effect of excluding people on the basis of membership of any specific group.
- Silence, prevent, or limit participation of members.
- Cause someone to fear for their safety such by stalking, following, or intimidation.
- violent threats or language directed against another person.
- the display of sexual or violent images
- nonconsensual or unwelcome physical contact
- sustained disruption of talks, events, or communications
- Using insults. put downs, sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, disability discrimination, or exclusionary jokes
- excessive swearing
- continuing to initiate through actions or interaction (including photography or recording) someone after being asked to stop
- publication of public or private communication without consent
Consequences of Unacceptable Conduct
Purported violations should be reported to the Renaissance Society Program Committee Chair. If the Program Committee Chair determines that the violation cannot be resolved by verbal communication, the issue will be submitted to the Program Committee for further investigation and arbitration. Members are asked to stop any code of conduct violations as determined by the Program committee immediately. In serious circumstances where a resolution cannot be accomplished or violations continue, a member may be asked to leave the event or program. In the case of unresolved violation(s) by program leader(s), the Program Chair will report such violations to the full Renaissance Board which may impose appropriate sanctions such as non-acceptance for the RS Catalog of Programs and or denial of sanctioning by the Renaissance Society..
Previous Seminars
Curious about seminars offered in previous years?
These are lists of seminars that have been offered by the Renaissance Society on campus on Fridays and Saturdays beginning in 2010, and for off-campus beginning for the Spring semester of 2015.
Also, beginning in the Fall semester of 2015, seminars that were drop-in were added in addition to those that required a member to register. In the Fall semester of 2018, Short Seminars were added (seminars lasting less than the full semester).
The list now includes previous seminars from 2010 to 2024.
This is informational for anyone interested in leading or co-leading a seminar. A brief description of each seminar is in the activity catalog for that semester; those past catalogs are available at the Renaissance office.
Contact: If you have questions about any seminar, you can contact the listed leader(s) or the Seminar Committee. Contact information is available through the Renaissance Office (916) 758-5133.